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1941年1月上旬,中国共产党领导的皖南新四军军部及所属部队奉命转移途中,遭到国民党军队的围歼。这是抗日战争期间国共两党摩擦发展而成的最严重的一次武装冲突。这是中国抗战营垒中发生的一场自戕悲剧。从共产党一方来说,这场悲剧的结果是显而易见的。新四军除少量部队突围外,军部及所属部队大部被歼,军长叶挺被扣,政委项英、副参谋长周子昆遇害,政治部主任袁国平牺牲。这是抗战时期中国共产党军队和干部力量的一次最重大的损失。当然,事变发生后,中国共产党以八路军、新四军全体将士名义提出了严重抗议,并采取重组新四军军部、共产党参政员拒绝出席国民参政会等一系列措施相对抗。 In early January 1941, the army and the troops of the New Fourth Army in southern Anhui led by the Chinese Communist Party were ordered to move on their way and were beaten and wiped out by the Kuomintang troops. This was the most serious armed conflict that the two parties of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party waged during the Anti-Japanese War. This is a self-inflicted tragedy that took place in China’s war of resistance. From the communist party’s side, the result of this tragedy is obvious. In addition to a small number of troops to break out of the New Fourth Army, the military and its affiliated units were mostly annihilated. Commander Ye Ting was detained. Political commissar Xiang Ying and deputy chief of staff Zhou Zijun were killed. Yuan Guoping, director of the Political Department, sacrificed. This was the single most significant loss of the strength of the Chinese Communist Party’s army and cadres during the war of resistance against Japan. Of course, after the incident, the Chinese Communist Party opposed a series of measures such as protesting the names of all the officers of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army and taking the reorganization of the Armed Forces of the New Fourth Army and the refusal of Communist Party members to attend the political participation of the people.
【正】 我国历史教学中长期敏感、困惑的一页当属民族问题了。当今随着对传统文化“反思”之风的兴起和大量国外思潮的涌入,传统的历史教学受到青少年学生的轻视,中青年一代
【正】 复护理河南抚台廖谷士仁弟馆丈姻大人阁下:前见电钞,欣闻假节,甫陟蕃垣之任,便同开府之仪,嘉兆先声,曷胜忭贺,新猷在望,企祝弥殷。顷奉惠书,备聆种切。豹帅清操厚德,
【正】 秦始皇初即位(公元前246年),就开始兴建骊山陵。统一全国后,便征用七十万以上劳动力施工,到秦二世二年(公元前208年),大赦“骊山徒”以击起义军止,前后历时近四十年之
【正】 “皖南事变”距今已四十六年。对于“事变”发生的原因、教训和具体史实,长期以来没有作深入细致的研究。党的十一届三中全会以后,特别是“皖南事变”四十周年(一九八