细读文本 品味精彩

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细读文本就是深入钻研教材,在研读中用心再现文本的情感与道理,于细微处收获价值。处理文本,教师们完全可以酝酿自己的教学思考,构筑多姿的教学主线,绽放独特的教学价值,因为细读,所以精彩。一、反复品味,剖皮显珠读书要读出自己的理解,读出发现,读出感动,读出情调,才能称为品味。一篇文章,真情义理往往隐藏在字里行间,没有反复品味,就别提“文情义理”。比如,《一枚金币》 To read the text is to further study textbooks, in the study carefully to reproduce the text of the emotion and truth, in the subtleties to gain value. Text processing, teachers can brew their own teaching thinking, build a variety of teaching the main line, bloom the unique value of teaching, because reading, so wonderful. First, repeated taste, split skin Pearls reading to read their own understanding, read out, read moved, read the mood, can be called taste. An article, the truth and justice are often hidden in the lines between the lines, there is no repeated taste, do not mention “textual meaning ”. For example, “a gold coin”
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