Installation and Test of 100 MeV Cyclotron Safety Interlock System

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:solomon_bj
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The safety system is an important part of BRIF project,which will play a key role for protection of staff,and equipments.100 MeV cyclotron will deliver proton beam of 200μA with energy of 100 MeV.Radiation caused by beam loss will be occurred when the machine running or commissioning,which is hazard to staff and device,so a set of interlock system is designed for protecting people and apparatus. The safety system is an important part of BRIF project, which will play a key role for protection of staff, and equipments.100 MeV cyclotron will deliver proton beam of 200μA with energy of 100 MeV. Radiation caused by beam loss will be occurred when the machine running or commissioning, which is hazard to staff and device, so a set of interlock system is designed for protecting people and apparatus.
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