
来源 :国外医学.内分泌学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sngt73
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骨质疏松及相关的骨折是器官移植的主要并发症。本研究旨在探讨心脏或肝移植后骨质疏松性骨折的发生频率及预测因素。对象与方法 :2 35名进行过心脏移植或肝移植的患者 ,移植前、移植后每年对脊柱放射成像进行标准分析以评估脊椎骨折。临床上及非脊椎骨折资料来自医院记录。结 Osteoporosis and related fractures are major complications of organ transplantation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency and predictors of osteoporotic fracture after cardiac or liver transplantation. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Twenty-five patients undergoing heart or liver transplantation were given a standard analysis of spinal radiography each year after transplantation to assess spinal fractures. Clinical and non-vertebral fracture data from the hospital records. Knot
OBJECTIVE: To identify fetal heart rate characteristics of patients with uterine rupture compared with successful vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) controls.
OBJECTIVE: We sought to estimate the rate of spontaneous resolution of asymptomatic Chlamydia trachomatis in pregnancy and to evaluate factors associated with i
虽然糖尿病家族史和遗传倾向是糖尿病(DM)发病的确定危险因素 ,然而生活方式因素在DM的发病中也起了重要作用。作者探讨了少量至中量饮酒与 2型DM发病的关系。方法 研究资料来自医
【摘 要】本文介绍了最近几年成品油营销中市场环境的变化情况,在此基础上就成品油营销渠道创新阐述自己的意见,以期能够给成品油营销渠道的创新提供一些帮助和启示。  【关键词】市场环境;成品油;营销渠道  一、成品油营销市场环境的变化情况  成品油是一种特殊的商品,这种商品的营销受到行业与政策的限制与要求,市场环境的发展变化对成品油营销有很大的影响,伴随着市场经济的快速发展,经济市场化、政策市场化程度越
Aim: The inflammatory response induced by perinatal infections and asphyxia is considered to participate in neonatal brain damage. Inflammatory responses are ch
Objective: To investigate when hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection from mother to child occurs, and evaluate possible associafed factors. Design: Prospective c oh
众多研究已证实胰升糖素样肽 1( 7 36)酰胺(GLP 1)对 2型糖尿病患者和健康志愿者的胰岛素分泌均有强的刺激作用 ,但GLP 1对胰岛素作用和葡萄糖效应的影响还存在诸多争论 ,以下进行