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在全面推进课程改革的进程中,注重培养学生的自主学习能力已成为教育界的共识:教师的真正本领,不在于他是否会讲述知识,而在于是否能激发学生的求知欲望,让他们兴趣盎然地参与到教学过程中来。在探索思想品德自主学习过程中,我们认为读书、问题、合作、评价——四轮定位,是自主学习的有效方式。一、读书是思想品德课自主学习的前提自主学习,就是学生在教师指导下,依靠自己的学习,依靠自己读书、思考、分析,自觉而主动地获取知识。读书是前提 In the course of promoting curriculum reform in an all-round way, focusing on cultivating the students ’autonomous learning ability has become a common understanding in education circles that the real ability of teachers lies not in whether he can tell knowledge, but in whether they can arouse students’ curiosity and make them interested To participate in the teaching process. In the process of exploring the independent study of ideology and morality, we think reading, problem, cooperation and evaluation - four rounds of orientation are effective ways to study independently. First, reading is the premise of independent study of ideological and moral lessons Independent learning, that is, under the guidance of teachers, students rely on their own learning, rely on their own reading, thinking, analysis, and take the initiative to obtain knowledge. Reading is a prerequisite
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