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在生活中,我是一个开朗,直爽的人,从小酷爱唱歌,七岁时便开始练琴、学习音乐,长大后以优异的成绩考入了天津师范音乐系,毕业后参与了很多的文化活动,2002年12月参加了第三届全国电视希望之星大赛,获民族组“全国十佳”,次年随北京首芝歌舞团去泰国访问演出,现在北京首艺歌舞团学习,由于学习努力,专业提高进步很大,并有幸被选入由首都老艺术家协会即将开拍的电视剧《爱我,你怕了吗》一剧中担任重要角色。好斗的我喜欢面对挑战在艺术道路上不断拼搏。在“非典”这场没有硝烟的战争中,北声首艺歌舞团冲上“抗典”第一线去慰问演出,我在这次演出中担任独唱,为一线的医护人员献上了一首歌曲《为了谁》,来表达我对他们的崇敬之情,记得当时我和“白衣天使”们都流泪了,这次北京小汤山的慰问演出得到了市文联,市委宣传部的大力支持,并被中央电视台、中国青年报等等备大媒体连续报道。 在这次活动中我深深体会到只有真诚地无私奉献,才能使自己成为文艺战线上的一名士兵。 In life, I was a cheerful, straightforward person, I love singing since childhood, began practicing at the age of seven, studying music, grew up with excellent results admitted to Tianjin Normal Music Department, after graduation, participated in a lot of culture Activities, in December 2002 to participate in the Third National TV Hope Star contest by the ethnic group, “National Top Ten” the following year with the Beijing Shushibai dance troupe to Thailand to visit the show, and now Beijing Arts and dance ensembles learning, due to study Efforts, professional progress and great progress, and was fortunate enough to be selected by the capital of the old artists’ association to start the drama “love me, are you afraid of” play an important role. I like to face the challenge of aggressive fighting in the art of continuous struggle. During the “SARS” war where there was no smoke, the North Acoustic Folk Art and Dance Troupe rushed to the front line of the Anti-Code to solicit performances. I performed solos in this performance and presented a song for front-line medical staff “For whom,” to express my admiration for them, I remember at that time I and the “white angel” who are crying, the Beijing Xiaotangshan condolences to the performance of the city Federation of literary and art circles, the Propaganda Department of the strong support and was the central TV stations, China Youth Daily and other major media reported continuously. In this activity, I deeply understand that only by sincere and selfless dedication can we become one of the soldiers in the art and literature front.
这是我踏入影视圈接的第一部电影。 年初七刚到北京接到古榕导演的电话,好像有部电影要拍,在找女主演,他手里有来自四面八方的好几张我不同时期的照片。一个星期后的下午,我
[摘 要] 随着我国公路建设的发展,土石路基已经成为高等级公路常见的路基形式,土石混填具有强度高、压缩性低的特点,适用于路堤的填筑。通过合理的施工组织,土石混填可以达到较好的压实效果,能满足设计使用要求。  土石路基在我区高速公路建设中尚属首次,所以施工中还没有成熟的经验,设计中也没有提出具体的工艺要求和质量控制指标。本人通过土石路基试验段和现场实体工程施工相结合,就怎样保证土石路基的压实质量及
<正> 自我的“黑暗”图 个人主义在许多方面都是美国人性格与文化的积极特征。但它也有潜在的破坏性。 过去,其黑暗面受到社会风俗的限制,生活于小城镇的人们彼此了解,相互帮
目的:评价血清降钙素原(Procalcitonin,PCT)对急性重度有机磷农药中毒患者合并感染的诊断价值,对中毒患者抗生素应用的指导价值. 方法:自2011年10月至2012年10月,收集在我院