Fabrication and near-infrared optical responses of 2D periodical Au/ITO nanocomposite arrays

来源 :Photonics Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggyy2000_2000
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Two-dimensional(2D) periodical Au and indium tin oxide(ITO) nanocomposite arrays have been fabricated based on a self-assembled nanosphere lithography technique. A button-shaped Au nanoparticle was formed on each hollow hemisphere-shaped ITO shell. Importantly, the underlying formation mechanism during the thermal treatment has been thoroughly explored by comparing structures resulting from different deposition conditions in detail. Compared to the Au nanoparticle arrays without ITO shells, the Au/ITO nanocomposite arrays showed a stronger localized surface plasmon resonance effect and higher absorption in the near-infrared(NIR) region, benefiting from the free-electron interaction enhancement between Au and ITO. The nonlinear optical properties were investigated using a modified femtosecond intensity-scan system, and the results demonstrated Au/ITO nanocomposite arrays with a remarkable two-photon absorption saturation effect for femtosecond pulses at 1030 nm. The versatile NIR optical responses indicate the great potential of the elaborately prepared 2D periodical Au/ITO nanocomposite arrays in many applications such as solar cells, photocatalysis,and novel nano optoelectronic devices. Two-dimensional (2D) periodical Au and indium tin oxide (ITO) nanocompositemic arrays have been fabricated based on a self-assembled nanosphere lithography technique. A button-shaped Au nanoparticle was formed on each hollow hemisphere-shaped ITO shell. Importantly, the Compared to the Au nanoparticle arrays without ITO shells, the Au / ITO nanocomposite arrays showed a stronger localized plasmon resonance effect and higher absorption in The nonlinear optical properties were investigated using a modified femtosecond intensity-scan system, and the results demonstrated Au / ITO nanocomposite arrays with a remarkable two -photon absorption saturation effect for femtosecond pulses at 1030 nm. The versatile NIR optica l responses indicate the great potential of the elaborately prepared 2D periodical Au / ITO nanocomposite arrays in many applications such as solar cells, photocatalysis, and novel nano optoelectronic devices.
作者对2例结肠膀胱瘘的病人在手术探查前用3D CT重建作了估价,将3D影像与常规CT作比较。静脉注射碘酞葡胺、胃肠道使用对比剂(泛影葡胺或泛影钠)后获得常规CT扫描。结果见到
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<正> 1990年11月由苏联科学院哲学研究所、国际支持改革联合会、世界全球问题情报中心等苏联和国际组织联合在莫斯科召开了一次国际学术会议。美国、加拿大、法国、苏联的一些知名学者以及联合国特使等多人出席了会议。苏联科学院院士И.T.弗罗洛夫在开幕式上作主要报告,报告着重论述改革的一个根本问题,即新的政治思维背景下人的问题及其现代社会哲学方面。这也