深入基层 解决问题

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今年是深化改革,加快发展的关键一年。随着各个方面重大改革措施的出台,许多难以预见的新情况、新问题都会出现,深入基层,调查研究,解决问题就显得尤其重要。毛泽东同志早就说过“调查就是解决问题”。这句名言指明了调查的目的只有一个——解决问题。领导者、领导机关的基本任务有两条,一是了解情况,二是制定政策。前者是深入基层,调查研究;后者是联系实际,解决问题。前者是前提、基础、后者是目的、归宿。要真正做到深入基层,解决问题,就不仅要走出机关,深入群众,做到“身入”,而且更要把中央的政策和基层的实际结合起来,探索解决问题的切实办法,做到“心入”。那种“坐车观花”、浅尝则止、搞花架子、为“交差”的深入基层,对真正解决问题是不会起作用的。让我们振奋精神、改进作风,真正深入到群众和实际中去,为改革和发展,扎扎实实地进行调查,切切实实地解决问题。 This year marks a crucial year for deepening reform and accelerating development. With the promulgation of major reform measures in various fields, many unforeseen new situations and new problems will emerge. It is particularly important that we should conduct in-depth investigations and studies and solve problems at the grass-roots level. Comrade Mao Zedong said long ago that “investigation is the solution to the problem.” This famous quote indicates that there is only one purpose of the investigation - to solve the problem. There are two basic tasks for a leader and a leading authority: one is to understand the situation and the other is to formulate a policy. The former is in-depth grassroots, research; the latter is linked to reality, to solve the problem. The former is the premise, the foundation, the latter is the purpose, destination. To truly reach the grass-roots level and solve problems, we should not only step out of the organs and reach the masses in an effort to “get in”, but also combine the policies of the Central Government with those in grass-roots units to explore practical solutions to problems so that “ Heart into. ” The kind of “watching the flowers by car” means that if we try our best to solve the problem, we should try our best to solve the problem if we try to make the best use of flowers. Let us inspire and improve our working style. We should really go deep into the masses and the realities and carry out investigations in a down-to-earth manner for the reform and development and earnestly solve the problems.
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