Effects of quaternary ammonium chain length on the antibacterial and remineralizing effects of a cal

来源 :International Journal of Oral Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fgdWE4RTTY
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Composites containing nanoparticles of amorphous calcium phosphate(NACP)remineralize tooth lesions and inhibit caries.A recent study synthesized quaternary ammonium methacrylates(QAMs)with chain lengths(CLs)of 3–18 and determined their effects on a bonding agent.This study aimed to incorporate these QAMs into NACP nanocomposites for the first time to simultaneously endow the material with antibacterial and remineralizing capabilities and to investigate the effects of the CL on the mechanical and biofilm properties.Five QAMs were synthesized:DMAPM(CL3),DMAHM(CL6),DMADDM(CL12),DMAHDM(CL16),and DMAODM(CL18).Each QAM was incorporated into a composite containing 20%NACP and 50%glass fillers.A dental plaque microcosm biofilm model was used to evaluate the antibacterial activity.The flexural strength and elastic modulus of nanocomposites with QAMs matched those of a commercial control composite(n 5 6;P.0.1).Increasing the CL from 3 to 16 greatly enhanced the antibacterial activity of the NACP nanocomposite(P,0.05);further increasing the CL to 18 decreased the antibacterial potency.The NACP nanocomposite with a CL of 16 exhibited biofilm metabolic activity and acid production that were 10-fold lesser than those of the control composite.The NACP nanocomposite with a CL of 16 produced 2-log decreases in the colony-forming units(CFU)of total microorganisms,total streptococci,and mutans streptococci.In conclusion,QAMs with CLs of 3–18 were synthesized and incorporated into an NACP nanocomposite for the first time to simultaneously endow the material with antibacterial and remineralization capabilities.Increasing the CL reduced the metabolic activity and acid production of biofilms and caused a 2-log decrease in CFU without compromising the mechanical properties.Nanocomposites exhibiting strong anti-biofilm activity,remineralization effects,and mechanical properties are promising materials for tooth restorations that inhibit caries. A recent study synthesized quaternary ammonium methacrylates (QAMs) with chain lengths (CLs) of 3-18 and determined their effects on a bonding agent. This study aimed at incorporate these QAMs into NACP nanocomposites for the first time to simultaneously endow the material with antibacterial and remineralizing capabilities and to investigate the effects of the CL on the mechanical and biofilm properties. FIVE QAMs were synthesized: DMAPM (CL3), DMAHM (CL6), DMADDM (CL12), DMAHDM (CL16), and DMAODM (CL18) .ach QAM was incorporated into a composite containing 20% ​​NACP and 50% glass fillers. A dental plaque microcosm biofilm model was used to evaluate the antibacterial activity.The flexural strength and elastic modulus of nanocomposites with QAMs matched those of a commercial control composite (n 5 6; P.0.1). Increasing the CL from 3 to 16 greatly enhanced the antibacterial activity of the NA CP nanocomposite (P, 0.05); further increasing the CL to 18 decreased the antibacterial potency. The NACP nanocomposite with a CL of 16 exhibited biofilm metabolic activity and acid production that were 10-fold lesser than those of the control composite. The NACP nanocomposite with a CL of 16 produced 2-log decreases in the colony-forming units (CFU) of total microorganisms, total streptococci, and mutans streptococci.In conclusion, QAMs with CLs of 3-18 were synthesized and incorporated into an NACP nanocomposite for the first time to simultaneously endow the material with antibacterial and remineralization capabilities. Increasing the CL reduced the metabolic activity and acid production of biofilms and caused a 2-log decrease in CFU without compromising the mechanical properties. Nanocomposites exhibiting strong anti-biofilm activity, remineralization effects , and mechanical properties are promising materials for tooth restorations that inhibit caries.
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一、ATP的分子结构   例1 下列关于ATP的叙述中,正确的是( )  A.ATP分子中所有化学键都储存着大量的能量,所以被称为高能磷酸化合物  B.三磷酸腺苷可简写为A—P—P~P  C.ATP中大量的能量都储存在腺苷和磷酸基团中  D.ATP中大量的能量储存在高能磷酸键中  解析 ATP(三磷酸腺苷)分子是细胞内的一种高能磷酸化合物,ATP的结构简式可表示为:A—P~P~P,其中的“A
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