长庆油田高质量高水平建成西部大庆 陕西省委省政府致信祝贺

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CPD讯2014年新春佳节之际,中共陕西省委、陕西省人民政府发来贺电,热烈祝贺长庆油田公司2013年油气当量突破5000万吨,如期高质量高水平建成西部大庆,同时向全体干部职工表示亲切慰问。陕西省委省政府在贺信中指出,近年来,长庆油田公司深入贯彻落实党中央、国务院“建西部大庆、创和谐典范”的重要指示,按照中国石油天然气集团公司“有质量、有效益、可持续发展”的要求,大力弘扬大庆精神铁人精神,攻坚克难、顽强拼搏,坚定不移推进西部大庆建设,6年时间原油产量净增长1219万吨,天然气 CPD News On the occasion of the Spring Festival 2014, CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee and Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government sent a congratulatory message to warmly congratulate Changqing Oilfield Company on its oil and gas equivalent exceeding 50 million tons in 2013, and built Daqing in the west on a high-quality and high-level schedule. At the same time, Staff expressed their condolences. In his letter of congratulation, Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government pointed out that in recent years, Changqing Oilfield Company has thoroughly implemented the important instructions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on “building a Daqing in the west and a harmonious model”. According to the instructions of China National Petroleum Corporation, Effective and sustainable development ", vigorously promote the spirit of Daqing spirit, tackling difficult problems, tenacious struggle, unswervingly promote the construction of western Daqing, 6 years crude oil output growth of 12.19 million tons of natural gas
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