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数学探究能力是在具有一定的数学基础与技能的前提下,通过自己在发现问题、解决问题的过程中发展起来的一种独立获取数学知识、技能、独立思考解决问题的能力。学生自己发现问题,自己解决问题。由于教学任务紧,教学内容多,教师往往把例题草率处理,这样做使得学生偏重记忆一些方法和发展一些具体技能,而不是高层次的数学思考。《数学课程标准(实验稿)》指出:“有效的数学学习活动不能单纯地依赖模仿与记忆,动手实践、自主探索与合作交流是学生学习数学的重要方式。”倡导让学生经历探究的过程,引导学生经历知识的获取过程,是当前数学教学改革的方向。 Mathematical inquiry ability is a kind of independent acquisition of mathematical knowledge and skills developed through the process of discovering and solving problems on the premise of having a certain mathematical foundation and skills, and independently thinking and solving the problems. Students find problems themselves and solve problems by themselves. Due to the tight teaching tasks and teaching content, teachers often hassy handling the examples so that they place emphasis on memorizing methods and developing specific skills rather than high-level mathematical thinking. Mathematical Curriculum Standard (experimental draft) states: “Effective mathematics learning activities can not rely solely on imitation and memory, hands-on practice, independent exploration and cooperation and exchange is an important way for students to learn mathematics.” "Advocating students to explore Process, guide students to experience the acquisition process of knowledge, is the current direction of mathematical teaching reform.
知识经济时代高校图书馆员必须具有高尚的思想素质 ,谙练的业务知识 ,精湛的技能素质和良好的身心素质 ,才能推动图书馆事业向前发展
1980年5月27日,我受到胡耀邦同志的亲切接见,5月29日,我聆听了胡耀邦同志的报告。当时,我担任拉萨市林芝县委书记、县人武部第一政委。  我是1979年调藏任职的。1980年4月,经过多次讨论,党中央制订了一个加强西藏工作的文件,即31号文件。胡耀邦一行到西藏考察的目的,是征求大家对31号文件的意见。5月27日下午3点,胡耀邦、万里、杨静仁、赵振清、黄光学等在阴法唐等自治区领导的陪同下走进了西