Enterohaemolysin production and verotoxin genes in Esche-richia coli strains isolated from neonatal

来源 :亚太热带医药杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JustFelling
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Objective:To screened all haemolytic strains of Escherichia coli (E.coli)for the presence of verotoxin genes and speculate the association between enterohaemolysin production and presence of verotoxin genes.Methods:A total 176 of E.coli strains of 64 serogroups isolated from neonatal calves were selected and screened for al-pha-haemolysin and enterohaemolysin production on sheep blood agar and 5% washed sheep blood agar.Two types of haemolytic strains were further characterized by PCR for presence of Verotoxin gene (VT1 and VT2) and confirmed by verocell cytotoxicity assay.Results:Among 27 enterohaemolytic positive strains,19 (70. 37%)strains were found positive for presence of verotoxins (VTs)gene and verocell cytotoxicity assay. Whereas 34 alpha-haemolysin strains were found negative for VTs.Eight strains of E.coli were found VTs neg-ative but Ehx positive.Conclusion:The close association between enterohaemolysin production and presence of verotoxin genes makes it useful epidemiological marker for rapid screening of Verotoxic E.coli but this pheno-typic marker for screening of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli(VTEC)alone may raise a question in animal.
1例41岁女性患者因反复便血10余年拟行肠镜检查以明确诊断,口服磷酸钠盐口服溶液(45 ml溶于750 ml温水)进行肠道准备,9 h后出现恶心、呕吐、头晕、乏力、精神差、神志淡漠。急查血电解质示钾3.0 mmol/L,钠118 mmol/L,氯92 mmol/L。考虑为磷酸钠盐口服溶液致电解质紊乱引起的低渗性脑病。相继给予静脉滴注10%氯化钾注射液、门冬氨酸钾镁注射液、10%氯化钠注射液、甘油果
目的探讨陶瓷对陶瓷短柄全髋关节置换术治疗中青年股骨头坏死的早期疗效,为临床选择治疗方案提供参考。方法选择股骨头坏死患者44例(46髋),年龄28~52(39.94 ± 5.25)岁;将患者按使用假体类型分为两组:对照组(22例24髋)使用Duraloc金属对聚乙烯假体,观察组(22例22髋)使用陶瓷对陶瓷Metha短柄假体。对比两组患者Harris评分、WOMAC评分和随访情况等。结果观察组和对照
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Methylene blue (MB) is a hydrophobic drug molecule, having importance both as a staining reagent and pharmaceutical agent. MB is strongly fluorescent, with an e
1例55岁男性患者因周围性面神经瘫痪急性期,给予舒血宁注射液20 ml+0.9%氯化钠250 ml,1次/d静脉滴注;泼尼松15 mg、维生素B1 10 mg及甲钴胺0.5 mg,3次/d口服;中药汤剂,1剂/d。服用上述药物后5 h内患者排尿6次,每次尿量约500 ml。当日患者自行停用泼尼松、维生素B1及甲钴胺,中药继续服用,尿量减少。第2天早上只服泼尼松,多尿再次出现,停用泼尼松,其他治疗不