
来源 :陕西林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a15088392710
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宝鸡市马头滩林业局位于秦岭西部,秦岭主梁两侧,总面积52万亩,林灌覆盖率78.8%,构成优势林分的主要树种有红桦、华山松、油松、锐齿栋、槲栎、杨类等。1999年10月开始实施天保工程,工作重点全面转入生态环境建设新阶段。三年多来,林业局严格管理,采取得力措施抓管护责任制落实,全面有效地保护了国有天然林资源。 一、组建管护机构,落实管护人员。实施天然林保护工程后,林业局及时撤销了与原木材生产经营有 Baoji Ma Tantan Forestry Bureau is located in the western Qinling Mountains, Qinling main beam on both sides, with a total area of ​​52 hectares, forest coverage 78.8%, constitute the dominant species of the main tree species are red birch, Pinus armandi, Pinus, , Quercus oak, Yang and so on. In October 1999, the Tianbao project began to be implemented and the work focused on a full-scale transition to a new phase of ecological environment construction. In the past three years, the Bureau of Forestry has strictly managed and took effective measures to take charge of the implementation of the responsibility system and protected the state-owned natural forest resources in an all-round and effective manner. First, set up management and protection agencies, the implementation of management and protection staff. After implementing the natural forest protection project, the Forestry Bureau promptly canceled the production and management of the original wood
民国九年夏,著者调查山西西北部地质时,曾于兴县与临县交界之紫金山,遇赚性正长岩类火成岩侵入二叠三叠纪红色岩系,当时因工作目的,注重广大面积地质图之完成,仅采得 In th
一、引言裘布衣公式(1856): s=Q/2πKM ln R/r (1)对描述抽水井附近二维层流的稳定降深场仍为普遍适用的基本公式,但却不存在推导的边界条件: I. INTRODUCTION The formula
以山西祁县乔家大院为背景, 以晋商奇才乔致庸的传奇人生为依托,以乔家的事业兴衰为舞台,再现中国晋商辉煌历史、弘扬传统儒商精神的45集电视连续剧《乔家大院》 Based on Q
The Yellow River flows across seven provinces of China and has a considerable length roughly estimated at nine thousand li. This paper will deal with the physi