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中国电影壮举:五部十集革命历史巨片投拍 由中央军委和军总政下达的《大转折——挺进大别山》、《大进军——扬子江大战》、《大进军——南线驰骋》、《大进军——解放大西北》、《大进军——西南凯歌》五部十集革命历史系列巨片,已由八一电影制片厂开始投拍.八一厂厂长王晓棠说,这五部巨片再加上过去拍摄的《大决战》三部六集、一共八部十六集系列巨片,比较完整地再现了解放战争这段历史的全貌.这五部新片在对毛泽东、周恩来、邓小平、刘伯承、彭德怀等人物的塑造上,将超过过去同类影片,拍摄水平也超过《大决战》.八一厂提出了“团结起来出精品”的口号,还专门在北京购置了600亩土地作为外景场地,并自筹资金引进国外电影高科技设备.谢晋说:拍部巨片迎“九七”中国影坛宿将谢晋在今年政协会议上宣布了一个惊人的“大动作”;他将集聚中国一流电影艺术家、作家和史学家,拍摄一部表现鸦片战争历史的巨片,以迎接1997年我国对香港重新行使主权;以落后就要挨打的教训激励改革开放中的中国人,以一个民族悲痛的历史事实告诫各国人民维护世界和平.他还说:“人民大会堂对面的那个巨大的倒计时钟,天天在提醒我们,中华民族和全世界正在迎接一个伟大的历史时刻.”我要把影片拍成一部包含历史史实和民族道义,具有? Chinese film feat: five sets of ten revolutionary historical film cast by the Central Military Commission and the military administration issued the “big turning point - advancing the Dabie Mountains”, “marching into the Yangtze River War”, “marching into the South - South line gallop” The “Great March to Liberate the Greater Northwest” and the “Great March to the Southwest Kaige” five series of revolutionary historical series have started their filming from August 1. The director of Bayi Factory Wang Xiaotang said that the five In addition, the huge film, together with the three series of “Great Decisions” set in the past, produced a total of eight 16-episode series of films, which completely reproduced the whole picture of the history of the liberation war. The five new films were very helpful to Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Liu Bocheng, Peng Dehuai and other figures shaping the past will be more than similar films, filming also exceeded the “big decisive battle.” Bayi factory put forward the “unity and quality” slogan, but also specifically in Beijing purchased 600 acres of land as a Location, and self-financing the introduction of foreign high-tech film equipment.Xie Jin said: Take part in the film to greet “97” Chinese film host Xie Jin at this year’s CPPCC meeting announced an astonishing “big move”; he Gather first-rate Chinese movie artists, writers and historians to film a film that shows the history of the Opium War to meet the resumption of China’s sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997; to inspire Chinese in the course of reform and opening-up to lag behind the lesson of being beaten to a The historical fact of national grief warned people of all countries to maintain world peace, and said: “The huge countdown clock opposite the Great Hall of the People reminds us every day that the Chinese nation and the world are embracing a great historic moment.” Filming a film contains historical facts and ethnics, with?
今年春节期间,哈尔滨市在松花江冰橇运动场举办了首次冰橇花样表演。参加表演的40多名冰橇爱好 During the Spring Festival this year, Harbin held the first sled show
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