
来源 :杭州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jn116600
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本文分析和总结了当前社会对信息服务人才的需求趋势以及我省图书情报专业教育的现状,提出了发展浙江省信息服务教育的思路与设想:调整专业方向,把培养目标从为图书馆等传统机构培养管理人才转成为各类信息机构及各行各业培养从事信息管理及服务的专门人才;发挥综合性大学的优势,实现多学科协作培养,重视能力培养,开展针对“问题”的教学活动。 This paper analyzes and summarizes the current social demand for information services personnel trends and the status quo of the library and information education in our province, put forward the idea and vision of developing information service education in Zhejiang Province: to adjust the professional direction, the training objectives from the traditional library Organizational training and management personnel into all kinds of information agencies and all walks of life to cultivate specialized personnel engaged in information management and services; give full play to the advantages of a comprehensive university to achieve multidisciplinary collaboration training, emphasis on capacity-building, carry out “problem” teaching activities.