New application of open source data and Rock Engineering System for debris flow susceptibility analy

来源 :山地科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruanjianshixi
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This research describes a quantitative,rapid,and low-cost methodology for debris flow susceptibility evaluation at the basin scale using open-access data and geodatabases.The proposed approach can aid decision makers in land management and territorial planning,by first screening for areas with a higher debris flow susceptibility.Five environmental predisposing factors,namely,bedrock lithology,fracture network,quaternary deposits,slope inclination,and hydrographic network,were selected as independent parameters and their mutual interactions were described and quantified using the Rock Engineering System (RES) methodology.For each parameter,specific indexes were proposed,aiming to provide a final synthetic and representative index of debris flow susceptibility at the basin scale.The methodology was tested in four basins located in the Upper Susa Valley (NW Italian Alps) where debris flow events are the predominant natural hazard.The proposed matrix can represent a useful standardized tool,universally applicable,since it is independent of type and characteristic of the basin.
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