
来源 :物理教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shshay
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在高中物理振动和波一章中,关于音叉振动的实验,若按书上的作法做实验如图1,学生只能听到声音,看不出音叉的振动。另外,按书上这个实验来做,效果也不理想。我利用激光器的单色性能显示微小变化这一特点,将激光器光束投射到音叉上,若在音叉上端装一个很小的平面镜,经平面镜反射的光束投射到墙上,当音叉振动时,投射到墙上的光斑也随之而动,显示出音叉的微小振动。这样学生不但听到了音叉的声音,而且看到了声音的发出是由于音叉的振动产生的。具体的方法如下任何一个音叉都行,然后割一块小平面镜,镜子和音叉一样宽,长约0.8厘米左右,不要太长,以免影响实验的效果。然后,用502胶将小镜子粘在音叉的上端,如图2,激光器用氦氖激光器和CY-1激光演示仪都行,只要能把光束投射到镜子上就 In the chapter on physical vibration and wave in high school, the experiments on the vibration of the tuning fork, if done according to the book’s practice, are shown in Figure 1. The students can only hear the sound and can not see the vibration of the tuning fork. In addition, according to this experiment in the book, the effect is not satisfactory. I use the monochromatic performance of the laser to show the small changes. I project the laser beam onto the tuning fork. If a small plane mirror is placed on the tuning fork, the beam reflected by the plane mirror is projected onto the wall. When the tuning fork vibrates, it is projected onto the The spot on the wall also moves, showing the tiny vibration of the tuning fork. In this way, the student not only heard the sound of the tuning fork, but also saw that the sound was produced due to the vibration of the tuning fork. The specific method is as follows any one tuning fork, and then cut a small plane mirror, mirror and tuning fork as wide, about 0.8 cm long, not too long, so as not to affect the experimental results. Then, use 502 glue to glue the small mirror to the upper end of the tuning fork. As shown in Figure 2, both the laser and the CY-1 laser demonstrator will work, as long as the beam can be projected onto the mirror.
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