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今年5月26日,巴黎桑特监狱的罪犯米歇尔·沃儒尔在众目睽睽之下乘上他妻子驾驶的直升飞机奇迹般地逃跑了。这件事使沃儒尔这个名字载入了法国著名越狱案的史册。米歇尔·沃儒尔现年三十五岁,从十七岁时起就开始进行偷盗、抢劫等犯罪活动。并成为一名诱骗女郎的老手。因他劣迹累累。屡教不改,曾先后十次被捕入狱,判以重刑。在服刑期间,他曾多次越狱,其中有三次获得成功。沃儒尔最后一次被捕时被判处了十八年徒刑,但他扬言,决不打算在铁窗里蹲那么久,并从入狱那天起便开始策划新的逃跑计划。在这次越狱事件发生的前几个月,狱方对此已有所闻,但仍未能有效地阻止他第四次逃跑。 On May 26 this year, Michel Waruur, the prisoner of the prison in Paris, escaped miraculously riding a helicopter his wife was driving under the watchful eyes. This incident made Warhol the name of the history of the famous French prison escape. At the age of 35, Michel Warlow, aged 35, has started criminal activities such as theft and robbery. And become a veteran girl veteran. Because of his bad track. Not to change the incorrigible, has been arrested ten times in prison, sentenced to severe punishment. During his serving time, he jailed several times, of which three were successful. Voir was sentenced to 18 years in jail for the last time he was arrested, but he threatened never to squat in the iron window for so long and to start planning a new escape plan from the day he was jailed. In the months leading up to the jailbreak, prison officials were already aware of this, but failed to effectively stop him from fleeing for the fourth time.
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