Human papillomavirus in squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus in a high-risk population

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengwei27149
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AIM: To investigate the relation of human papillomavirus (HPV) and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) in Iranian patients as compared to normal controls. METHODS: Using MY09/MY11 consensus primers, we compared the prevalence of a HPV L1 gene in tumor tissues from 38 ESCC cases and biopsied tissues from 38 endoscopically normal Iranian individuals. We also compared the presence of HPV16 and HPVA18 in the same samples using type-specific E6/E7 primers. RESULTS: Fourteen (36.8%) of the 38 ESCC samples but only 5 (13.2%) of the 38 control samples were positive for the HPV L1 gene (P= 0.02). Five (13.2%) of the ESCC samples but none of the control samples were positive for the HPV16 E6/E7 gene (P= 0.05). Three (7.9%) of the ESCC samples and 5 (13.2%) of the control samples were positive for the HPV18 E6/E7 gene (P= 0.71). CONCLUSION: Our data are consistent with HPV DNA studies conducted in other high-risk areas for ESCC. HPV should be considered as a potential factor contributing to the high incidence of ESCC in Iran and other high-incidence areas of the world. A: To investigate the relation of human papillomavirus (HPV) and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) in Iranian patients as compared to normal controls. METHODS: Using MY09 / MY11 consensus primers, we compared the prevalence of a HPV L1 gene in tumor tissues RESULTS: Fourteen (36.8%) of the 38 ESCC samples only only (36.8%) of the 38 ESCC samples from the ESCC cases and biopsied tissues only from 38 endoscopically normal Iranian individuals. We also compared the presence of HPV16 and HPVA18 in the same samples using type- specific E6 / E7 primers. Five (13.2%) of the ESCC samples but none of the control samples were positive for the HPV16 E6 / E7 gene (P = 0.02) CONCLUSION: Our data are consistent with HPV DNA studies conducted in other (13.2%) of the control samples were positive for the HPV18 E6 / E7 gene (P = 0.71) high-risk areas for ESCC. HPV should be considered as a potential factor contributing to the high incidence of ESCC in Iran and other high-incidence areas of the world.
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