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Depression occurs in approximately 45%of all patients with Parkinsons disea se (PD), reduces quality of life independent of motor symptoms and seems to be u nderrated and undertreated. Characteristics of symptoms differ from major depres sion. Because of overlapping clinical symptoms, diagnosis is based on subjective ly experienced anhedonia and feeling of emptiness. Available rating scales for m ajor depression may not be adequate to correctly measure severity of depression in PD. Anxiety and depression may manifest as first symptoms of PD many years be fore motor symptoms. Serotonergic, noradrenergic and dopaminergic mechanisms pla y key roles in the etiology of depression in PD. Tricyclic and newer, selective antidepressants including serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SSRI, SNRI) appear to be effective in treating depression in PD. Selective reuptake i nhibitors seem to have a favorable side effect profile. Recent controlled studie s show antidepressant effects of pramipexole in bipolar II depression. New dopam ine agonists pramipexole and ropinirole appear to ameliorate depressive symptoms in PD in addition to effects on motor symptoms. There is a lack of appropriate rating scales and controlled studies regarding depression in PD. Depression occurs in about 45% of all patients with Parkinson’s disea se (PD), reduces quality of life independent of motor symptoms and seems to be uderrated and undertreated. Characteristics of shapes differ from major depres sion. , diagnosis is based on subjective ly experienced anhedonia and feeling of emptiness. Available rating scales for mjorjor depression may not be adequate to correctly measure severity of depression in PD. Anxiety and depression may manifest as first symptoms of PD many years be fore motor symptoms . Serotonergic, noradrenergic and dopaminergic mechanisms pla y key roles in the etiology of depression in PD. Tricyclic and newer, selective antidepressants including serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SSRI, SNRI) appear to be effective in treating depression in PD. Selective reuptake i nhibitors seem to have a favorable side effect profile. Recent controlled studie s show antidepressant effects of pramipexole in bipolar II depression. New dopam ine agonists pramipexole and ropinirole appear to ameliorate depressive symptoms in PD in addition to effects on motor symptoms. There is a lack of appropriate rating scales and controlled studies regarding depression in PD.
摘要:针对可用库存低于一定阈值水平时,客户不愿意购买产品这一现象,研究了考虑消费者的止步行为的易逝品供应链系统。本文通过分析消费者止步行为对供应链系统的最优决策及整体利润造成的影响,运用报童模型,探讨考虑消费者行为因素的各参数间关系,并通过算例对结论进行了验证。  关键词:消费者止步行为;易逝品;供应链系统;报童模型  一、引言  易逝品,即短生命周期商品,比如一些时令性的蔬果、较短销售期的衣服等
九十年代以来 ,性传播疾病发病人数不断增加 ,尤以梅毒增长迅速。我科自 1 995年以来共收治梅毒患者 1 0 8例 ,本文对 1 0 8例梅毒的临床进行分析 ,旨在提高梅毒的早期诊断 ,
<正> 一、从对"经济人"批判中得到的启示"经济人"(Economic Man)是古典政治经济学所创造的,"只受经济理性驱策的人"的概念。亚当·斯密是系统运用"经济人"这个假设的第一人。在斯密《国富论》一书中,"经济人"作为经济活动的主体,被看作是一般人的代表,具有人类的一切经济意义上的特征。在有些经济学说史著作里,"经济人"是一个受批判的概念。如苏联的卢森贝和我国学者
目的:确定地塞米松在治疗结核性渗出性胸腔炎的作用。方法:在规则抗痨治疗下,对 38例结核性胸膜炎的病人胸腔内注入地塞米松 5 mg十雷米封 0. 2 g/d~0. 3 g/d。 35例不作胸腔内注药对照。结果:治疗组38
初次接触夏中义的文字 ,我就被那充满逻辑思辨与诗性风格的叙述所深深打动 ;尽管我读得不太懂 ,理解得不够深 ,但我认定 ,我们在心灵深处自有其相通的底蕴。记得当初从书店购