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新世纪以来,省委、省政府提出要建设沿海地区旅游休闲的后花园,“要把旅游业建设成为我省国民经济的支柱产业,实现大旅游、大产业、大发展”的战略目标,并先后出台了一系列加快旅游业发展的政策与措施,全省上下发展旅游业的积极性空前高涨,旅游业尤其是红色旅游呈现出蓬勃发展态势。后花园建设的过程,成为打造一张江西形象“金色名片”的过程。一、后花园建设已成为江西经济和社会发展的“特殊名片”近年来后花园建设取得了巨大成效,后花园已成为江西的一张“特殊名片”,具体体现在以下方面:1、旅游业总量提前实现省委省政府预定目标,后花园建设成为我省招商引资的重要名片。一是发展速度快,2D01~2005年旅游接待人数和收入年均增长14.8%和18.91%,分别高于全省经济增长率3.2 Since the beginning of the new century, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have proposed the strategic goal of building a backyard garden for tourism and leisure in the coastal areas and “building tourism industry into a pillar industry in our national economy and realizing major tourism, large industries and great development”. Has promulgated a series of policies and measures to speed up the development of the tourism industry. The enthusiasm for the development of the tourism industry throughout the province is unprecedentedly high. The tourism industry, especially the red tourism, has shown a vigorous development trend. After the garden construction process, to create a image of Jiangxi “golden business card” process. First, the garden after the park has become Jiangxi’s economic and social development “special business card” Garden construction in recent years has made tremendous achievements, the garden has become Jiangxi a “special business card”, embodied in the following areas: 1, tourism The total amount of advance provincial government to achieve the scheduled goal, the garden after the construction of an important business card in our province. First, the pace of development is rapid. From 2006 to 2005, the number of tourists and receipts of tourism increased by 14.8% and 18.91% on average, respectively, higher than the provincial economic growth rate of 3.2
Zinc oxide nanoparticles are known to be one of the multifunctional inorganic nanoparticles with effective antibacterial activity.This study aims to determine t
病史摘要 女工,42岁,住院号14180,已婚,浙江湖州人,因咳嗽、面部红斑、游走性关节酸痛半年多,发热十余d于1982年7月6日入院。患者于1981年12月起干咳,偶有少许白色粘痰。起
New experimental data of densities and surface tensions are presented for the binary mixtures of the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3- methyl imidazolium nitrate([EMIM]NO