Inducible Positive Mutant Screening System to Unveil the Signaling Pathway of Late Blight Resistance

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kid0226
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Late blight is the most devastating potato disease and it also causes serious yield loss in tomato.Several disease resistance genes (R genes) to late blight have been cloned from potato in the past decade.However,the resistance mechanisms remain elusive.Tomato and potato belong to the botanical family Solanaceace and share remarkably conserved genome structure.Since tomato is a model system in genetic and plant pathology research,we used tomato to develop a powerful mutant screening system that will greatly facilitate the analysis of the signaling pathway of resistance to Phytophthora infestans.First we proved that the R3a transgenic tomatoes developed specific hypersensitive cell death response (HR) to P.infestans strains carrying the corresponding avirulence gene Avr3a,indicating that the signaling pathway from the R3a-Avr3a recognition to HR is conserved between potato and tomato.Second,we generated transgenic tomatoes carrying both R3a and Avr3a genes,with the latter under the control of a glucocorticiod-inducible promoter.Dexamethasone induced expression of Avr3a and resulted in localized HR.This versatile system can be used to construct a mutant library to screen surviving mutants whose resistance signal transduction was interrupted,providing the basis to identify key genes involved in the resistance to late blight in Solanaceae. Late blight is the most devastating potato disease and it also causes serious yield loss in tomato. Several disease resistance genes (R genes) to late blight have been cloned from potato in the past decade. Host, the resistance mechanisms remain e. belong to the botanical family Solanaceace and share remarkably conserved genome structure. Since tomato is a model system in genetic and plant pathology research, we used tomato to develop a powerful mutant screening system that will greatly facilitate the analysis of the signaling pathway of resistance to Phytophthora infestans. First we demonstrated that the R3a transgenic tomatoes developed specific hypersensitive cell death response (HR) to P. infestans carrying the respective avirulence gene Avr3a, indicating that the signaling pathway from the R3a-Avr3a recognition to HR is conserved between potato and tomato . Second, we generated transgenic tomatoes carrying both R3a and Avr3a genes, with the latter under the cont rol of a glucocorticiod-inducible promoter. Developed expression of Avr3a and resulted in localized HR. This versatile system can be used to construct a mutant library to screen surviving mutants whose resistance signal transduction was interrupted, providing the basis to identify key genes involved in the resistance to late blight in Solanaceae.
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