Application of remote monitoring technology in landslides in the Luoshan mining area

来源 :Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong531
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With the scale extending of mining, the landslide disaster in the earth’s surface will become more and more serious, and these landslide disasters are being threatened to the sustainable safe mining of the underground mine and the open-pit mine. Based on the theory that sliding force is greater than the shear resistance (resisting force) at the potential slip surface is the necessary and sufficient condition to occur the landslide as the sliding criterion, the principle and method for sliding force remote monitoring is presented, and the functional relationship between the human mechanical quantity and the natural sliding force is derived, hereby, the natural sliding force can be calculated according to the human mechanical quantity. Based on above principle and method, a new system of landslide remote monitoring is designed and 53 systems are installed on the landslide body in the Luoshan mining area, which make up the landslide remote monitoring network. According to the results of field test around 8 months, monitoring curves between sliding force and time are obtained, which can describe and forecast the develop trend of landslide. According to above analysis, the results show that this system has some following advantages: (1) real-time monitoring; (2) remote intelligent transmission; (3) landslides early warning. With the scale extending of mining, the landslide disaster in the earth’s surface will become more and more serious, and these landslide disasters are being threatened to the sustainable safe mining of the underground mine and the open-pit mine. Based on the theory that sliding force is greater than the shear force (resisting force) at the potential slip surface is the necessary and sufficient condition to occur the landslide as the sliding criterion, the principle and method for sliding force remote monitoring is presented, and the functional relationship between the human mechanical quantity and the natural sliding force is derived, hereby, the natural sliding force can be calculated according to the human mechanical quantity. Based on above principle and method, a new system of landslide remote monitoring is designed and 53 systems are installed on the landslide body in the Luoshan mining area, which make up the landslide remote monitoring network. According to the results of According to the above analysis, the results show that this system has some following advantages: (1) real-time monitoring ; (2) remote intelligent transmission; (3) landslides early warning.
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