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1998年6月8日,时任西藏藏医学院党委书记的加措,受命于危难之际,上任西藏交通厅厅长。六年过去了,今天的西藏交通:企业总产值10.6个亿;全行业已连续六年没有一家亏损企业;2003年交给国家的税收由1997年的700万增加到如今的1个亿;职工个人收入由1997年的年收入7000元增加到如今的2.39万元。 回望过去的六年,关于西藏交通改制与创新的宏大叙事——最为经典的表达就是“跳出交通想交通,跳出交通干交通”——曾经动员了所有的西藏交通人参与其中,共同再创了西藏交通的新风貌。 回望过去六年:不在于追求崇高,而在于关注平凡。一样的关注,别样的情怀。给贫者自尊,给弱者自信,增强自信心和凝聚力,是西藏交通“最美丽的风景”。 “六年不短,白发泣血成就斐然;六年不长,征程万里仅启跬步。六年不小,人心向党大道初成;六年不大,上下求索仍需万变千革!” 值此川青藏公路通车五十周年大庆之际,本刊《西藏交通·50年见证》栏目将陆续刊登来自西藏交通的系列报道,展示西藏交通人顶天立地的精神风采,展示西藏交通人默默无闻、无私奉献的朴实情怀。 On June 8, 1998, he was appointed Secretary of the Party Committee of Tibet Tibetan Medical College and was appointed to the director of the Tibet Transport Department on the occasion of the crisis. Six years have passed. Today’s transportation in Tibet: the total output value of enterprises is 10.6 billion. The whole industry has not had a single loss-making enterprise for six consecutive years. In 2003, the tax revenue handed over to the country increased from 7 million in 1997 to 1 billion today. Personal income increased from 7,000 yuan in 1997 to 23,900 yuan nowadays. Looking back over the past six years, the grand narrative about the restructuring and innovation of Tibet’s traffic - the most classic expression is “to get out of traffic and to get out of traffic and to get around” - to mobilize all of Tibet’s traffickers to work together to create The new style of traffic in Tibet. Look back to the past six years: not in the pursuit of lofty, but rather concerned about the ordinary. The same concern, a different kind of feelings. To self-esteem for the poor, to the weak self-confidence, enhance self-confidence and cohesion, traffic in Tibet is “the most beautiful scenery.” Six years is not short, white blood and sobbing achievements; six years is not long, the journey Miles only start. Six years is not small, the heart of the party Boulevard; six years is not big, up and down the quest still need thousands of leather! On the occasion of the Daqing celebrations marking the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of the Qinghai-Tibetan Highway in Tibet, the column entitled “50 Years of Transport in Tibet” will be published in a series of reports from Tibet Transport to showcase the indomitable spirit and spirit of Tibet’s traffickers, Unselfish dedication of simple feelings.
改 革 篇1984年7月25日,厦门航空有限公司宣告成立。20度春秋,20年风雨,辛勤的汗水伴着收获的喜悦,蓝天白鹭奋飞在金色的航程,已经为越来越多的中外宾客所认知。历经6年艰苦
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