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Randomize-then-optimize (RTO) is widely used for sampling from posterior distribu-tions in Bayesian inverse problems.However,RTO can be computationally intensive for complexity problems due to repetitive evaluations of the expensive forward model and its gradient.In this work,we present a novel goal-oriented deep neural networks (DNN) sur-rogate approach to substantially reduce the computation burden of RTO.In particular,we propose to drawn the training points for the DNN-surrogate from a local approximated posterior distribution-yielding a flexible and efficient sampling algorithm that converges to the direct RTO approach.We present a Bayesian inverse problem governed by elliptic PDEs to demonstrate the computational accuracy and efficiency of our DNN-RTO ap-proach,which shows that DNN-RTO can significantly outperform the traditional RTO.
1979年,李政道秉持饮水思源、科教报国的初心,在中国倡立、实施中美联合招考物理研究生项目(China-United State Physics Examination and Ap-plication,简称CUSPEA),支持近千名物理专业优秀学子赴北美接受一流的研究生教育.如今,当年的CUSPEA学子已成为多个领域的学术领军人和社会精英骨干,他们凝聚成一个共同的名字——CUSPEA学者,为促进中国科技事业发展、人才培养和学术交流贡献力量.2011年,李政道将其毕生积累收藏的各类科学文献、研究手稿、通讯
The efficiency of RNA interference (RNAi) varies substantially among dif-ferent insect species.Rapid degradation of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) by dsRNA-degrading nucleases (dsRNases) has been implicated to cause low RNAi efficiency in several insect spec
RNA interference (RNAi) has emerged as a powerful tool for developing novel management strategies for controlling insect pests.The 28-spotted ladybeetle,Henosepi-lachna vigintioctopunctata is one of the most important pests attacking solanaceous plants in
Validamycin has been widely used as a specific competitive inhibitor of tre-halase.In our previous research,validamycin significantly inhibited trehalase activity and chitin synthesis in Diaphorina citri,resulting in abnormal phenotypes.However,the mechan
Asian citrus psyllid,Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera:Liviidae),trans-mits the causal pathogen of huanglongbing and is a global pest of citrus.D.citri pop-ulations exhibit resistance to multiple insecticide modes of action in areas where these chemica
Cyantraniliprole is the first diamide insecticide to have cross-spectrum activ-ity against a broad range of insect orders.The insecticide,like other diamides,selectively acts on ryanodine receptor,destroys Ca2+ homeostasis,and ultimately causes insect dea
Vitellin (Vn) homeostasis is central to the fecundity of oviparous insects.Most studies have focused on the synthesis and transportation of Vn as a building block for developing eggs during vitellogenesis;however,less is known about how the utilization of
The pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum hosts different facultative symbionts (FS)which provide it with various benefits,such as tolerance to heat or protection against nat-ural enemies (e.g.,fungi,parasitoid wasps).Here,we investigated whether and how the pres
Genetically engineered crops simultaneously produce defensive allelochemi-cals and Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin proteins to kill some of the world\'s most devas-tating insect pests.How the two types of toxins,when ingested sequentially or simul-tan
Pyralid moths,Ephestia kuehniella and Plodia interpunctella,are prevalent stored product pests.The insecticides are the main tool to control these moths in the stores.The data describing the response of these moths to insecticides are scarce.The lethal ef