
来源 :法律文献信息与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hepingweixiao
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1992年邓小平同志南巡讲话和党的十四大以来,随着我国市场经济和对外开放的发展,社会对与之相适应的法律和法学理论的需求不断加强。法学教育与研究有了新的发展,近几年我国法理学研究出现了很大变化.对传统问题的研究趋于深化,新的研究领域得到开拓,成果颇丰。可以说,近几年是建国以来法理学研究成果最为突出的时期。下面分别予以介绍。一、法理学教材的发展学科名称的变更。法理学学科的前身相继是“国家与法的理论”和“法学基础理论”。国家与法的理论是在取 Since Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour speech in 1992 and the 14th CPC National Congress, with the development of China’s market economy and opening to the outside world, the demand of the society for the legal and legal theories that suit it has been constantly strengthened. There have been new developments in law education and research, and in recent years there has been a great change in the study of jurisprudence in our country, with the deepening of the research on the traditional issues and the opening up of new research fields. It can be said that the most prominent period of jurisprudence research since the founding of new China was in recent years. The following were introduced. First, the development of jurisprudence textbook subject name change. The predecessor of jurisprudence has been “the theory of state and law” and “basic theory of law”. The theory of state and law is taking
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