Prediction model of microwave calcining of ammonium diuranate using incremental improved back-propag

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laiyongxuan
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The incremental improved Back-Propagation (BP) neural network prediction model using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm based on optimizing theory is put forward,which can solve the problems existing in the process of calcinations for ammonium diuranate (ADU) by microwave heating,such as long testing cycle,high testing quantity,difficulty of optimization for process parameters.Many training data probably were offered by the way of increment batch and the limitation of the system memory could make the training data infeasible when the sample scale was large.The prediction model of the nonlinear system is built,which can effectively predict the experiment of microwave calcining of ADU,and the incremental improved BP neural network is very useful in overcoming the local minimum problem,finding the global optimal solution and accelerating the convergence speed. The incremental improved Back-Propagation (BP) neural network prediction model using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm based on optimizing theory is put forward, which can solve the problems existing in the process of calcinations for ammonium diuranate (ADU) by microwave heating, such as long testing cycle, high testing quantity, difficulty of optimization for process parameters. Many training data probably were offered by the way of increment batch and the limitation of the system memory could make the training data infeasible when the sample scale was large. The prediction model of the nonlinear system is built, which can effectively predict the experiment of microwave calcining of ADU, and the incremental improved BP neural network is very useful in overcoming the local minimum problem, finding the global optimal solution and accelerating the convergence speed.
每到寒冬腊月,在我的家乡,空气中准弥漫着一股香喷喷的腊肉味。家乡的腊肉任何人只要一尝,就无法忘怀。我想,这可能不仅仅是因为它美味,还因为其制作方法复杂,每道工序都透着浓浓的情意吧。  立冬伊始,乡亲们早已按捺不住,家家户户把自家养的大肥猪杀了,精挑细选出上好的猪肉——或大块的五花肉,或整个猪后腿,开始制作五花腊肉和火腿。  第一道工序是“腌”。人们把猪肉放到一个大缸中,抹上盐,给肉来了一个“盐浴”
摘 要:古人云:“善歌者,使人继其声;善教者,使人继其志。”虽然笔者只是最普通的一名班主任兼语文老师,但我希望用自己独特的教育方式和真诚的爱心让我的学生能够在学知识的同时拥有积极、乐观的人生态度。执教以来其中的酸甜苦辣,感触颇深,那就是笔者和学生的几次角色的转变。  关键词:角色转变;情的转变;学的转变;爱的转变;大爱无垠  中图分类号:G622.4 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1992-7711