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“天地革而四时成”(《周易·革》)。日月运行,寒暑往来,即将逝去的2000年,春也万物熙熙,夏也百草萋萋,秋也严霜降兮,冬也阴气积兮。时空的递转是人类亘古不变的吟咏主题。 回望2000年的国内外IT市场:新技术目不暇接,新产品精彩纷呈,而企业的并购重组更是风云变幻,时出惊人之笔,其波澜壮阔远非笔者所能穷尽。不过,尽管IT业好戏连台,但是万变不离其宗,Internet始终是2000年久唱不衰的主旋律。无论是信息设备制造商、软件开发商还是网站运营商,所有的技术应用都面向Internet,所有的战略转型都围绕着Internet,因此我们不妨用Internet这根红线将2000年IT产业的精彩与无奈贯穿到底,看一看Internet都为我们带来了什么,它又将如何影响IT产业的未来发展…… “Heaven and Earth into four o’clock” (“Zhou Yi leather”). The sun and the moon running, summer and winter exchanges, about to pass away in 2000, the spring also all things hee hee, summer also Baicao slush, autumn also frost down Xi, winter also yin Ji Xi. Time and space transfer is the eternal theme of human chant. Looking back at the domestic and international IT market in 2000: new technologies are dizzying, new products are colorful, and the merger and reorganization of enterprises is even more fickle. When it comes to astonishment, its magnificentness is far from being exhausted by the author. However, despite the good business scene in the IT industry, it remains the same forever. The Internet has always been the main theme of the long end of 2000. Whether IT equipment manufacturers, software developers or website operators, all technology applications are Internet-oriented, all strategic transformations are all around the Internet. Therefore, we may wish to use Internet this red line will be the IT industry in 2000 wonderful and frustrating In the end, take a look at what the Internet brings to us and how it will affect the future development of the IT industry ...
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