Spectral Characteristics of Laser-Induced Graphite Plasma in Ambient Air

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JessicaGu45
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An experimental setup of laser-induced graphite plasma was built and the spectral characteristics and properties of graphite plasma were studied. From the temporal behavior of graphite plasma, the duration of CN partials(B~2∑~+→X~2∑~+) emission was two times longer than that of atomic carbon, and all intensities reached the maximum during the early stage from0.2 μs to 0.8 μs. The electron temperature decreased from 11807 K to 8755 K, the vibration temperature decreased from 8973 K to 6472 K, and the rotational temperature decreased from7288 K to 4491 K with the delay time, respectively. The effect of the laser energy was also studied, and it was found that the thresholds and spectral characteristics of CN molecular and C atomic spectroscopy presented great differences. At lower laser energies, the electron excited temperature, the electron density, the vibrational temperature and rotational temperature of CN partials increased rapidly. At higher laser energies, the increasing of electron excited temperature and electron density slow down, and the vibrational temperature and rotational temperature even trend to saturation due to plasma shielding and dissociation of CN molecules. The relationship among the three kinds of temperatures was T_(elec)>T_(vib)>T_(rot) at the same time. The electron density of the graphite plasma was in the order of 10~(17)cm~(-3) and 10~(18)cm~(-3). An experimental setup of laser-induced graphite was built and the spectral characteristics and properties of graphite were studied. From the temporal behavior of graphite plasma, the duration of CN partials (B ~ 2Σ ~ + → X ~ 2Σ ~ + ) emission was two times longer than that of atomic carbon, and all intensities reached the maximum during the early stage from 0.2 μs to 0.8 μs. The electron temperature decreased from 11807 K to 8755 K, the vibration temperature decreased from 8973 K to 6472 K, and the rotational temperature decreased from 7288 K to 4491 K with the delay time, respectively. The effect of the laser energy was also studied, and it was found that the thresholds and spectral characteristics of CN molecular and C atomic spectroscopy presented great differences. At lower laser energies, the electron excited temperature, the electron density, the vibrational temperature and rotational temperature of CN partials increased rapidly. At higher laser energies, the increasing o f electron excited temperature and electron density slow down, and the vibrational temperature and rotational temperature even even to saturation due to plasma shielding and dissociation of CN molecules. The relationship among the three kinds of temperatures was T_ (elec)> T_ (vib)> T rot at the same time. The electron density of the graphite plasma was in the order of 10 ~ (17) cm ~ (-3) and 10 ~ (18) cm ~ (-3).
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。刘志选教授@张尔章 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Professor Liu