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智能卡的许多概念是出自近20年来银行业务的电子化和自动服务的发展。未来的智能卡是一种金融支付工具,它不仅仅是传统信用卡的简单的改进,而是一种多功能、防窃密的一种器件。智能卡被认为是一种抗病毒攻击的最终不易损坏的器件,它是继超级计算机、主机、小型计算机、个人计算机和微型计算机之后的第6代计算机。在未来的岁月里将进入千家万户,将是人们手中的一个重要工具,也将是芯片技术的一个重要应用场所。智能卡实际上已得到广泛应用.嵌入微处理器的智能卡在安全方面要比传统的信用卡优越得多。在智能卡的保密区内可以存贮长的密钥,同时在智能卡中能够正确地实现密码术的基本要求——实现复杂的计算程序.由于密码术已渗透到我们日常生活中,将会对各种领域的安全问题严生极大的影响,这不仅仅在银行业、卫星领域,而且在收费电视、电话、家用计算机、数据处理、通信网络以及众多的常用信息技术领域中也是如此。除了安全方面的优点之外,智能卡也是一种存贮的处理数据的介质。用智能卡可在一个被称之为应用数据文件(ADF)的单独的存贮区内实现所谓的“应用提供者”提出的各种应用。因此这种卡又称为多功能卡。由于智能卡有在安全方面、数据存贮和处理方面、用户友好技术方面的优点,今后不仅会逐步代替传统的冲压凸型字卡、磁条卡,而且在信息安全领域内也将得到广泛的应用。本文将介绍什么是智能卡?智能卡的标准化、智能卡的安全、智能卡的鉴别以及智能卡的应用等方面,以期使读者对智能卡有一个较为全面的了解。 Many of the concepts of smart cards stem from the development of electronic and automated services for banking over the last two decades. The future of smart card is a financial payment tool, it is not only a simple improvement of the traditional credit card, but a multifunctional, anti-theft of a device. A smart card is considered the ultimate, nondestructive device for antivirus attacks. It is the sixth generation of computers following supercomputers, mainframes, minicomputers, personal computers, and microcomputers. In the coming years will enter millions of households, will be an important tool in the hands of people, but also will be an important application of chip technology. Smart cards are in fact widely used. Smart cards embedded in microprocessors are much more secure than traditional credit cards. Long passwords can be stored in a secure area of ​​a smart card, while the basic requirements of cryptography can be correctly implemented in a smart card - to implement complex computational procedures.As cryptography has infiltrated into our daily lives, Security is a serious problem in many fields, not only in the banking and satellite industries, but also in pay TV, telephones, home computers, data processing, communications networks, and many common information technologies. In addition to the security benefits, smart cards are also a storage media for handling data. With smart cards, the various applications proposed by the so-called “application providers” can be implemented in a single memory area called an application data file (ADF). So this card is also called multi-function card. Due to its advantages in terms of security, data storage and processing, and user-friendly technology, smart cards will not only gradually replace the traditional punch card and magnetic stripe cards but also be widely used in the field of information security . This article will introduce what is a smart card? Standardization of smart cards, smart card security, smart card authentication and smart card applications, etc., in order to make readers have a more comprehensive understanding of smart cards.
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