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2015/2016财政年度,(1)缅甸政府克服国内政治动荡等各种不确定性因素影响,吸引外资取得显著成效:外资规模保持中高速增长;来源结构相对集中,新加坡蝉联榜首,中国投资骤然回升,来自美、日、欧盟等西方发达国家的投资持续低迷;产业结构相对不合理,进入油气、矿业、电力行业的外资猛增,制造业、基础设施、民生项目等出现逆势萎缩态势。2016年4月1日,民盟吴廷觉总统上台执政,发展经济、改善民生是新政府工作的首要任务。中资企业面对缅甸国内政治新生态及经济改革发展新趋势,应积极转变传统投资合作思维与模式,战略性调整产业结构与区域布局,重视企业社会责任,理顺社会公共关系,协调中央与地方利益分配,务实推进双边经贸合作全面、快速、健康发展,夯实两国全面战略合作伙伴关系。 Fiscal year 2015/2016 (1) Burmese government has made remarkable achievements in attracting foreign capital due to various uncertainties such as domestic political turmoil: the scale of foreign capital has maintained a medium-and-high-speed growth; the structure of sources has been relatively concentrated; Singapore ranked first and China’s investment has suddenly risen The investment from developed countries such as the United States, Japan and the European Union continued to slump. The industrial structure was relatively unreasonable. Foreign investment in the oil, gas, mining and power industries soared, contrarian contractions in the manufacturing, infrastructure and livelihood sectors emerged. On April 1, 2016, NDRC President Wu Ting-jueh came to power, economic development and improving people’s livelihood are the primary tasks of the new government. Faced with the new domestic political ecology and the new trend of economic reform in Myanmar, Chinese-funded enterprises should actively change the thinking and mode of traditional investment cooperation, strategically adjust industrial structure and regional distribution, attach importance to corporate social responsibility, rationalize social and public relations, and coordinate the central and Local distribution of benefits, pragmatically promote the comprehensive, rapid and healthy development of bilateral economic and trade cooperation, and consolidate the comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation between the two countries.
本文构建了关注知识型员工身心状态的个性化健康管理体系,通过对个体生理与心理健康隐患的全面监测、评估、预防与控制,提升知识型员工健康素质倡导。 This paper construct
【正】 一最近,不少文艺报刊展开了对文艺创作上一些问题的讨论,有关于题材问题的讨论,有文艺是不是“阶级斗争的工具”的讨论,有关于创作方法的讨论,还有“歌德”与“缺德”
<正> 为适应国民经济发展的需要,我国的公路铁路、交通运输事业不断地突飞猛进。铁路运输的客车不断更新换代。传统的客车车厢地板为普通木质地板包铁皮。具有体积大、质量重
自 2 0世纪中叶以来 ,特别是近二三十年来 ,逐渐形成了具有广泛国际影响的后荣格分析心理学派 ,它们对荣格心理学思想既继承又修正 ,共同把分析心理学推向前进。本文概述和评