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年前,省政协经济科技委员会组织科协界部分委员到泰宁、建阳、福安等地进行专题调研,听取基层科技人员和农民群众的意见,并就新农村建设对科技需求问题提出四点意见。时任常务副省长的刘德章看到调研建议时,当即作出批示:“省科协界政协委员结合海峡西岸社会主义新农村建设,就新农村建设对科技的需要组织进行深入调研,反映了基层的实情,提出许多很好的建议,请省编办、省农办、发改委、财政厅、科技厅结合我省农村实际予以研究,以推进新农村建设。”实践证明,开展界别委员调研活动,有利于发挥委员作用、集中委员智慧,有利于委员参政议政和进一步调动委员积极性。现将委员们的建议摘登。 Some years ago, members of the Science and Technology Committee of the CPPCC Provincial Committee organized special investigations and studies in Taining, Jianyang and Fu'an to listen to the views of grass-roots scientific and technological personnel and the peasant masses and put forth four points on the science and technology needs in the new rural construction. opinion. When executive director Liu Dezhang saw the suggestion, he immediately gave instructions: “CPPCC members from CPPCC sector combined with the construction of a new socialist countryside on the west side of the Straits to conduct an in-depth investigation on the need for science and technology in the new rural construction, Of the facts, put forward many good suggestions, please province, Office of Provincial Agricultural Development, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Finance, Science and Technology Department with the actual situation in rural areas of our province to be studied in order to promote the construction of new countryside. ”Practice has proved that the Commission members to carry out research activities , Which is conducive to giving play to the role of committee members and concentrating the wisdom of committee members, helping members to participate in politics and discussing affairs and further mobilizing the enthusiasm of committee members. Now the members of the recommendations of the board.
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笔者精选2006年全国各地演绎多彩生活的中考应用试题,与大家分享.一、数学与日常生活例1 (2006年南昌市)小杰到学校食堂买饭,看到A、B两窗口前面排的人一样多(设为a人,a>8),就
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