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一、夏文化研究的当前状态夏文化是个与中国考古学几乎与生俱来的课题,但是长期以来它常议常新,时有进展。近年,随着“夏商周断代工程”的开展,夏文化研究再起高潮,由于考古发掘与研究的不断深入,人们的认识也随之发展。纵观当前学术界关于夏文化研究的主要观点,基本上可以归结为三种学说:(一)认为现在人们所说的二里头文化实包含了夏、商两种文化遗存,即二里头文化的偏早部分属于夏文化,偏晚部分则属于商文化(具体划分上因人而异),夏文化的上限应当追溯到二里头文化一期之前(一般认为当追溯到豫西龙山文化晚期——王湾三期文化)。(二)认为二里头文化一至四期均属夏文化,但这仍然只是夏文化的偏晚部分,夏文化的偏早部分则应括有“新砦期”文化 First, the current status of summer culture research Summer culture is an almost inherent issue with Chinese archeology, but it has long been a common practice and new developments. In recent years, with the launching of the “Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties project”, the summer culture research rose to a climax again. As a result of the deepening of archaeological excavations and researches, people’s understanding has also developed along with it. Looking at the main academic viewpoints on the study of Xia culture basically can be summed up in three theories: (1) It is believed that what is now called the Erlitou culture contains both Xia and Shang cultural relics, namely Erlitou culture The early part belongs to the summer culture, while the late part belongs to the commercial culture (the specific division varies from person to person), the upper limit of summer culture should be traced back to the period before the Erlitou culture (generally considered to be traced back to the late Longshan culture in western Henan - Wang Wan three culture). (2) It is believed that the Erlitou culture is a Xia culture in the first to fourth periods, but this is still only the late part of the Xia culture. The earlier part of the Xia culture should include the culture of “the new period of Zhai”
今年5月,在共青团湖南省委主办的纪念“五四”运动91周年表彰大会上,长沙边检站执勤业务二科荣获“湖南省十大杰出青年文明号”光荣称号。 In May this year, at the commen