In order to clarify the best pollination time of delicious kiwifruit in the same day, we used artificial pollination method to study the effects of pollination on the fruit traits of kiwifruit at different times using “Hayward” “Xu Xiang ” influences. The results showed that the average fruit weight of delicious kiwifruit in the sunny days was 104.6g and 102.1g at 07: 00-11: 00 and 15: 00-17: 00 respectively, and the fruit quality was lower at 13: 00 and 19: 00 94.6g, an average of 91.9g, lower than the morning and afternoon average of 103.4g 11.5g, a decrease of 11.1%; at 06:00, 9 ℃ pollination “Xu Xiang ” “dumb ” delicious Kiwi fruit quality, The fruit rate was higher than that in the morning and afternoon, the average fruit setting rate was 100g, 78.0%, 28.3g, 29.9%, 13% and 29%, respectively. The average fruit quality and fruit setting rate were 8.9g and 11.7% respectively. The diurnal variation of single fruit quality was similar between Hayward and Xuxiang, but the afternoon was better than the afternoon, Special "the opposite. In summary, the production of delicious kiwifruit pollination sunny morning, temperature below 9 ℃ can not be pollination, 13:00 and 19:00 should not be pollination.