
来源 :艺术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MD_XC
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21世纪是充满挑战、机遇的时代,要适应新时代发展的要求,必须培养出具有专业知识的复合型人才,而传统的音乐教育已经不再适应21世纪我国高校教育事业的发展,计算机音乐教育逐步形成中国高校素质教育的关键手段之一,更是我们每一位教师义不容辞的责任和义务。要想提高素质艺术教育,在教学内容和形式上必须与时俱进,着眼于未来和民族,正确认识和处理传统音乐教育与时代特征的关系。本文对“计算机音乐教育”的特点现状进行了分析,并给出了自己的意见。 The 21st century is an era full of challenges and opportunities. To meet the requirements of the new era of development, it is necessary to cultivate a compound talent with professional knowledge. However, the traditional music education is no longer suitable for the development of Chinese higher education in the 21st century. The computer music education Gradually form the quality of education in China, one of the key instruments, but also every one of our teachers’s bounden duty and obligation. In order to improve quality art education, we must keep pace with the times in teaching content and form, focus on the future and ethnic groups, and correctly understand and handle the relationship between traditional music education and the characteristics of the times. This paper analyzes the current situation of “Computer Music Education” and gives its own opinion.
李.艾柯卡在美国几乎是家喻户晓,他是一个传奇式的人物。李.艾柯卡认为:“要成为一个企业家,就要首先学会营销,特别是智慧营销。” Lee. Iacocca is almost a household nam
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简直神啦! 因累计亏损达56.8万元在1990年被定为特困企业的新立区供销社,1991年实现利润持平,1992年扭亏为盈,摘掉戴了10多年的“老亏”帽子;1993年步入全县供销社系统先进行