1 668例新生儿黄疸患儿内服用药退黄临床观察

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目的:总结一种适合家庭治疗新生儿黄疸简单易行,且无创快速降低黄疸的方法。方法:采用知情同意的方法将1668例新生儿随机分组,设立口服用药组与自然喂养组,两组进行对照研究。用药组采用婴儿葡萄糖粉配制成浓度为5~10葡萄溶液,每次口服量为15~20ml,1日4次;同时,口服“妈咪爱”药物,1日3次,每次0.5g,1日总量为1.5g,观察大小便量、色、性状。两组患儿均每隔3天儿保门诊随访1次,经皮检测胆红素值(Tcb),观察患儿黄疸消退,全身皮肤色泽、体重、精神外貌等生长发育指标,与初复诊二次测查新生儿20项神经行为能力(NBNA)。结果:口服用药组,黄疸消退平均时间为6.5天,自然喂养组为10天,口服用药组视、听、主被动运动较灵敏,生长发育良好,NBNA平均分超过≥37分,患儿卫生状况好,情绪佳,平均日增体重47.6g,新生儿睡眠好,呕吐反应轻,大便日平均4~8次,性状良好,上述临床观察指标两组比较(P<0.05)。结论:用药组患儿可快速降低新生儿黄疸指数,使病儿安全度过黄疸期,预防核黄疸发生,两组比较口服用药组有明显缩短患儿黄疸期和黄疸程度的作用。口服葡萄糖加妈咪爱适宜新生儿期黄疸患儿常规用药退药。 OBJECTIVE: To summarize a simple and feasible noninvasive and jaundice method for neonatal jaundice in families. Methods: 1668 newborn infants were randomly divided into two groups according to the informed consent method: oral administration group and natural feeding group. The medication group used the infant glucose powder to make the solution with the concentration of 5 to 10 grapes, each oral dose was 15 ~ 20ml, 4 times a day; at the same time, orally “mommy love” drug, 3 times a day, each 0.5 g, a total of 1.5g on the 1st, observe the amount of urine, color, traits. Two groups of children were followed up every 3 days child care clinic 1, percutaneous detection of bilirubin (Tcb), observation of children with jaundice subsided, body skin color, weight, mental appearance and other growth and development indicators, Twenty newborns were tested for neurobehavioral ability (NBNA). Results: The oral administration group, jaundice subsided the average time of 6.5 days, natural feeding group for 10 days, oral medication group as the audience, listening, the main passive movement is more sensitive, good growth and development, NBNA average score more than ≥ 37 points, children’s health status Good, good mood, the average daily gain of 47.6g weight, good neonatal sleep, vomiting, light stool, average stool 4-8 times, good traits, the clinical observation of the two groups were compared (P <0.05). Conclusion: The children in the medication group can rapidly reduce the neonatal jaundice index, make the sick child safely pass the jaundice period and prevent the occurrence of kernicterus. Compared with the oral administration group, the effect of jaundice and jaundice in the two groups is obviously shortened. Oral glucose plus Mommy love suitable for neonatal jaundice in children with conventional drug withdrawal.
目的: 探讨母血、羊水、脐血中3种细胞因子白细胞介素-6、8(interleukin-6、8,IL-6、8)、血管细胞粘附分子-1(vascular cell adhesion molecule,VCAM-1)对胎膜早破、绒毛膜羊