
来源 :工程热物理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maomao11111
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In this paper, the cooling ability of internally Cooled IR Window is numerically studied.The temperature distribution is obtained from unsteady heat conduction equation. It is foundthat the number of cooling holes in the IR window is the most important factor to the coolingability in the case of keeping the same transparent area. The temperature is sensitive theheight of the cooling hole when the height is shorter. Radiation effect on the temperature ofthe window may be neglected. In conclusion, the temperature of IR window can be keepedat proper value by internal cooling. In this paper, the cooling ability of internally Cooled IR Window is numerically studied. The temperature distribution is obtained from unsteady heat conduction equation. It is found that the number of cooling holes in the IR window is the most important factor to the cooling ability in the case of keeping the same transparent area. The temperature is sensitive theheight of the cooling hole when the height is shorter. Radiation effect on the temperature of the window may be neglected. In conclusion, the temperature of IR window can be keepedat proper value by internal cooling.
由梁义田副教授主持的青海大学合金铸铁课题组,经过三年的努力,完成了外商的委托,研制成功了高镍合金铸铁气门座新材料.该课题于1998年4月3日在青海大学通过了省级 After a
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