Kiryat Tivon是一座美丽的以色列郊区小镇。因地处山区,植被丰富,风景秀丽。镇子上的房屋两层高,基本都始建于二十世纪六七十年代。小镇坐落在橡树林中,给人一种田园诗画般的感受。就在这座恬静的小镇中,以色列建筑事务所SO Architecture打造了一处精致的房屋,并以业主的家族姓氏——Wollshtein命名,称为WO House。房子周围环境优美,郁郁葱葱。生长着各种树木,有柠檬树、橙树、楝树、山核桃树,果实累累,色彩丰富。房屋格局独特且现代,从周围多彩、自然的环境中脱颖而出,彰显出新颖且华丽的感觉。
Kiryat Tivon is a beautiful suburb of Israel. Because it is located in the mountains, rich vegetation, beautiful scenery. Two-story houses on the town are tall, basically built in the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century. The town is located in the oak forest, giving an idyllic pastoral feel. In this idyllic town, SO Architecture, an Israeli architectural firm, creates a sophisticated home named after the owner’s family name, Wollshtein, WO House. The environment around the house is beautiful and lush. Growing with a variety of trees, lemon trees, orange trees, neem trees, pecan trees, fruit, colorful. The unique and modern structure of the house stands out from the colorful, natural surroundings, revealing a new and gorgeous feeling.