
来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttcj_008
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近年来,迁西县委适应形势发展的需要,把加强乡镇企业党建工作作为整个农村基层党建的重要组成部分,采取多种措施,切实加强乡镇企业党建工作,推动了乡镇企业的发展。适应形势,及时调整党组织设置。针对乡镇企业具有小型分散、经营层次多、调整变化快等特点,本着有利于组织党员开展活动,有利于党组织和党员充分发挥作用,有利于促进企业健康发展的原则,因厂制宜设置党组织。县委要求,凡有一定规模,生产经营活动基本正常,有正式党员3名以上的乡镇企业都要单独建立党支部;对于联户或股份制企业,要根据党员人数多少、从业地点远近和行业特点建立党组织,并明确隶属关系。1991年以来,全县共发展乡镇企业168家,其中143家企业建立了党支部或党小组。随着乡镇企业的发展,党员队伍的壮大, In recent years, Qianxi County Committee to adapt to the needs of the development of the situation, to strengthen the party-building work of township enterprises as an important part of the entire rural grassroots party building, take various measures to effectively strengthen the party-building work of township enterprises and promote the development of township enterprises. Adapt to the situation, timely adjust the organization of the party. In line with the characteristics of township and village enterprises such as small-scale decentralization, diversified management levels, and rapid changes in adjustment, in line with the principles conducive to organizing party members to carry out activities that are conducive to giving full play to their roles as party organizations and party members and promoting the healthy development of enterprises, Party organization. County Committee, where there is a certain scale, production and management activities were normal, there are more than three members of the township enterprises have a separate party branch; for the joint-stock or joint-stock enterprises, according to the number of party members, the location of practitioners and industry characteristics of the establishment Party organizations, and a clear affiliation. Since 1991, a total of 168 township and village enterprises have been developed in the county, 143 of which have set up branches or party groups. With the development of township enterprises, the growth of party members,
每年6月底,她都在老地方等你,无论你是不是有东伦敦腔,她都敞开胸怀将你吸纳,然后告诉你什么叫网球圣殿,什么叫优良传统。 At the end of June each year, she waits for yo