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今年元旦,新修正的《刑事诉讼法》生效实施,并很快成为我国法制建设的热点话题,外间舆论誉之为“中国法制的新年钟声”。新的《刑事诉讼法》总结16年来实施这一法律的经验,针对新情况、新问题,参考国外现代法制的发展,对原先的刑诉法做了111处修改,有些是重太原则性的修改。由于新的刑诉法涉及对我国现行刑事诉讼制度的重大改革和完善,加之贯彻实施时间紧,任务重,这对我区执法人员的综合素质无疑是一个严峻的考验。要全面、正确地贯彻执行刑诉法,首先必须认真学习、深入领会法律文本,对刑诉法修正的 New Year’s Day this year, the newly amended Criminal Procedure Law came into force and soon became a hot topic in the legal construction of our country. The media outside the world praised it as the New Year Bells of the Chinese Legal System. The new Code of Criminal Procedure summarizes the experience gained in implementing this law over the past 16 years. In light of the new circumstances and new problems and with reference to the development of the modern legal system in other countries, the original Criminal Procedure Law made 111 amendments, some of which were too principled modify. Since the new criminal procedure law involves the major reform and improvement of the current criminal procedure system in our country, combined with the tight implementation and heavy tasks, it is undoubtedly a severe test for the overall quality of law enforcement officers in our region. To comprehensively and correctly implement the law of criminal procedure, we must first of all carefully study, deeply understand the legal text, and amend the Criminal Procedure Law
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建立了考虑物料非线性作用力的旋振式振动机的振动方程,并用非线性理论中的等效线性化法.求出振动方程的一次近似解及物料的结合系数与阻力系数. The vibration equation of gy
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3个小时,不厌其烦地一趟趟来来回回,易拉罐、拖鞋、塑料袋……20多件垃圾,“她”一件件叼到岸上来。“她”今年8岁,在厦门曾厝垵海滩,“她”的行为,吸引了一大群游客的围观和赞叹。“她”叫老虎,是一只金毛犬。“她”的环保行为在网络上被点击了7万多次,收获点赞无数。  “老虎”的主人叫沈鑫,外号虎妈。虎妈说,“老虎”是她花800元从网上买回来的,养了8年。之所以起名为“老虎”,是因为“她”是虎年出生。据
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