读过新时期领导干部的优秀代表郑培民日记的人,就不难发现,他特别喜爱先哲的名言警句,多次引用,对照检查,激励自己,教育儿女,因而不妨说,郑培民有一种浓郁的“名言情结”。 1998年抗洪抢险时,郑培民虽然正在患病,但仍迎难而上,不畏艰险。他用“我不下地狱,谁下地狱”的名言来激励自己,面对危险和重于泰山的责任,他没有计较个人得失安危,坚持靠前指挥,哪里最艰巨到哪里去,与守坝军民共患难,胜利完成抗洪任务。面对社会上的种种腐败现象,他用
He who read the diary of the outstanding leader of the leading cadres in the new era can easily find out that he particularly likes the famous scholarly aphorisms of the philosopher’s scholar. He repeatedly quotes, checks and motivates himself and educates his children. Therefore, Zheng Peimin has a strong “Famous Love Complex”. While fighting the floods in 1998, Zheng Peimin was still suffering from difficulties although he was suffering from the disease. He motivates himself with the saying, “I do not go to hell, who go to hell.” In the face of danger and heavier responsibilities than Tarzan, he did not care about the personal gains and losses, insisted on leading the command, where the most difficult place to go, Dam army common people’s suffering, the victory of the flood task. In the face of all kinds of social corruption, he used