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  一、 be + adj. + prep短语的创新
  be + adj. + prep短语可以去掉be做后置定语、宾语补足语或状语,这样的短语常见的有:be good at(善于), be content with(对……满意), be aware of(意识到), be clear about(对……清楚), be sure of / about(对……有把握), be full of(充满……), be ready for(准备好)。例如:
  Do you know the girl good at singing folk songs? 你认识擅长唱民歌的那个女孩吗?
  I find the girl always curious about what doesn’t concern her. 我发现这个女孩老是对与她无关的事感到好奇。
  Aware of the importance of English study, he reads English every day. 意识到英语学习的重要性后,他每天读英语。
  二、 be + past participle + prep短语的创新
  be + past participle + prep短语可以去掉be做后置定语、宾语补足语或状语,这样的短语常见的有be interested in(对……感兴趣), be satisfied with(对……满意), be surprised at(对……感到惊讶), be pleased with(对……满意), be crowded with(挤满了), be devoted to(忠诚于), be filled with(装满……)等。例如:
  I don’t like the girl interested in playing computer games.我不喜欢对电脑游戏很感兴趣的那个女孩。
  Can’t you find the bus crowded with people?难道你没有发现这辆公共汽车挤满了人吗?
  Devoted to his homeland, the old scientist is deeply respected and loved. 因为对祖国忠诚,这位老科学家深受人们的尊敬和爱戴。
  三、 be+ adj. + to do短语的创新
  be +adj. + to do短语可以去掉be做后置定语、宾语补足语或状语,这样的短语常见的有be able to(能够), be ready to(准备好), be content to (愿意), be willing to (乐意)。
  I don’t know the girl able to drive a plane. 我不认识会驾驶飞机的那个女孩。
  Do you find the boy content to help others?你发现这个男孩乐意帮助别人吗?
  Willing to help all the people in need, he is often praised by people. 因为乐于帮助所有处于困境中的人,他经常受到人们的表扬。
  四、 be + past participle + to do短语的创新
  be + past participle + to do短语可以去掉be做后置定语、宾语补足语或状语,这样的短语常见的有be prepared to(准备好), be determined to(决定), be delighted to(高兴), be meant to(本来打算), be intended to(本来打算)。例如:
  I respect the scientist determined to devote himself to our country. 我尊敬那个决心为祖国而献身的科学家。
  I found the bridge meant to support heavy trucks. 我发现这座桥本来是供载重卡车行走的。
  Intended to be a singer, the woman changed to be a dancer. 尽管本来是被培养做歌手的,这个女子变成了一个舞蹈家。
  五、 vt. + n. + prep.短语的创新
  vt. + n. + prep.短语中的名词可以前置为定语从句先行词,这样的短语常见的有pay attention to, take notice of, make use of, take charge of, take possession of, play a role in等。例如:
  Is this the use that you make of natural resources? 这就是你们对自然资源进行的利用吗?
  This is the role that you will play in this film. 这就是你在这出电影中将要扮演的角色。
  六、 be + of + n. 短语的创新
  be + of + n. 短语可以去掉be担任后置定语、宾语补足语或状语,可用于这种短语的名词有use, value, importance, meaning, harm, effect, age, look, height, length, shape, size等。例如:
  Can’t you find this dictionary of great use?难道你没发现这本字典很有用吗?
  I really like the two girls of the same height. 我真的喜欢身高相同的这两个女孩。
  Of much meaning, this book is very popular with people. 因为很有意义,这本书受到人们的欢迎。
  1. We can find them_______ _______ (准备好了) this important journey.
  2. I don’t know where the bottle _______ (装满) fresh milk is.
  3._______ _______ (对……有把握) his passing the difficult exam, he feels very happy.
  4._______ _______ (挤满了) people, the bus runs very slowly.
  5. Can you see the girl_______ _______ (对……惊呀) the sudden news?
  6. I like the tall girl_______ _______ (对……感兴趣) playing basketball.
  7._______ _______ (能够) drive his car in all kinds of weather, he is really a good driver.
  8. I respect the teacher________ ______ (决心) work for education cause all his life.
  9. We can clearly see him_______ _______ (愿意) be given the difficult task.
  10. All those_______ _______ (准备好) start must write your names on this piece of paper.
  11. Is this the_______ that you should_______ (对……的注意) your pronunciation?
  12. We find what he said at the meeting______ _______ (有用).
  13.________ ______ (有价值), her suggestion was accepted very soon.
  14. Don’t be worried; I’ll attend the meeting_____ ______ (重要).
  15. Can’t you see these skirts_______ _______ (颜色相同)?
  Keys: 1. ready for2. full of / filled with 3. Sure of / about4. Crowded with 5. surprised at6. interested in7. Able to8. determined to9. willing to10. ready to 11. attention, pay to12. of use13. Of value 14. of importance15. of a colour
这是一篇关于故乡的文章,作者用离乡——返乡——怀乡——重新审视故乡这条线索将主人公的人生经历串联起来,并发出深切的感慨。 This is an article about hometown. The a
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牵牛花有风不要紧,你抓住篱笆。只要篱笆存在,你就存在。有雨不要紧,你紧贴墙壁。只要墙壁不倒,你就不倒。你傲视群芳,它们都在你的脚下。你昂首向天, It doesn’t matter i