压力性尿失禁(stress urinary incontinence,SUI)是妇女中年期的常见病、多发病,严重影响中年女性生活质量和身心健康。分娩后未及时进行康复锻炼是发生SUI的主要原因,产褥期保健体操锻炼可明显降低SUI发生。现将本院实施该方面的情况报告如下。
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a common disease of middle-aged women with multiple morbidity and seriously affects middle-aged women’s quality of life and physical and mental health. SUI is the main reason for the lack of timely rehabilitation after childbirth, and the occurrence of SUI can be significantly reduced by physical exercise during puerperium. Now the hospital to implement the situation report is as follows.