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“中国贡献论”是国际社会对于中国崛起的一种比较新的看法。它是继“中国威胁论”、“中国崩溃论”、“中国机遇论”之后,外国学者从局外人的角度对中国崛起的一种解读。与其他三种言论相比较,“中国贡献论”无疑是最正面的评价。它的问世有利于提升中国的国际形象,为中国崛起获得更多的外部舆论支持。继续充实中国贡献的内涵,扩大中国贡献的影响,是巩固和拓展中国良好国际形象的重要环节。 “China’s contribution theory ” is a relatively new view of the rise of China by the international community. It is an interpretation of the rise of China from the perspective of outsiders after the “Theory of China Threat”, “Theory of China Collapse”, and “Theory of China’s Opportunity”. Compared with the other three remarks, “China Contribution Theory ” is undoubtedly the most positive evaluation. Its advent is conducive to enhancing China’s international image and obtaining more external public opinion support for the rise of China. To continue to enrich the connotation of China’s contribution and expand the influence of China’s contribution are important links in consolidating and expanding China’s good international image.
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