
来源 :广西水利电力科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuzhuzhuxi
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岩溶山区弄场洼地常因雨后消水洞或地下通道狭窄曲折被堵塞排泄不畅,致使地表积水,地下水上溢,造成涝灾;而岩溶化平原地区则地形平坦,河道坡降小,水流缓慢,洪水一时难以宣泄,很多地方的地下径流又变为地表径流,造成洪水泛滥。岩溶地区的这种涝灾,严重影响农业生产和人民生活。广大人民群众在与洪涝灾害的长期斗争中积累了丰富经验,他们发扬了愚公移山的精神,根据造成涝灾的原因和具体的地形、地质条件,因地制宜地采取如清理疏通地下通道、开凿排洪渠道、引洪渠道和排洪隧洞等引洪、排洪措施,并结合蓄、引、灌溉等多种形式,收到显著效果。例如: Karst mountain area get inland depressions often due to rain after the water hole or underground passage narrow zigzag was blocked poor drainage, resulting in surface water, groundwater overflow, resulting in floods; and karst plain terrain is flat terrain, the river slope decreases, the water flow Slowly, floods are hard to release at a time, and the underground runoff in many places turns into surface runoff, causing flooding. Such floods in karst areas seriously affect agricultural production and people’s livelihood. The masses of the people have accumulated rich experience in protracted struggles with floods and floods. They carried forward the spirit of foolish people and moved the mountains. According to the causes of the floods and the specific topography and geological conditions, they took measures such as clearing the underground passageway, draining the flood discharge channel, Flood diversion channels and flood diversion tunnels flood diversion measures, combined with storage, cited, irrigation and other forms, received significant results. E.g:
1 病例介绍例 1 程× ,男 ,6岁 ,寿县埝口镇王圩村人。 1998年 7月 16日因发热 ,到村卫生室诊治 ,三日后仍无效 ,又到镇卫生院治疗 ,用药 2天 ,也未见好转。于 1998年 7月
通过对新疆塔河油田 2 0 0 0 0m3 外浮顶油罐采用群立柱倒装起吊的施工方法 ,为今后缺乏水源地方施工 ,减少高空作业、控制大罐焊接变形及保证工程施工质量提供了成功的经验
1986年1月~1998年12月,我院收治196例误服有机氟类毒鼠药中毒患儿,现报告于下。1 临床资料1.1 196例中男108例,女88例,年龄1.5~12岁,平均4.6岁。起病0.5~24小时入院。中毒原因:
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