Sport at School 体育运动在校园

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  Do you do sports at school? In the UK everyone has to do some kind of sports at school until the age of 16. But it’s not just football or netball1 these days.
  Sports in secondary schools
  All students in the UK have to do P.E. at school until they are 16. The sports you can do at school depend2 on your school. Each school offers3 different activities. The most popular sport at school is football, played by girls and boys. Students play other traditional4 team games such as rugby, field hockey, netball and rounders or do individual5 physical activities like running, swimming or gymnastics. Today, some schools offer more modern sports and physical activities such as dance, fitness, dodgeball or Ultimate Frisbee.
  Traditional and new school sports
  Here are some traditional and new team sports played at school that you might not know.
  This competitive6 sport is played between two teams. There are seven players on each team. You score goals7 by throwing8 the ball into a net. It is like basketball, but you can’t run with the ball. At UK schools girls play this sport.
  This team sport is like baseball or softball. One team hits the ball with a bat and runs around four posts9 or bases in the field. The other team throws the ball and tries to catch it or touch the post with the ball.
  In this team sport, players throw the ball at the players on the other team and try to hit them with the ball. If the ball hits you, you are out!The balls are soft and many balls are used at the same time.
  Ultimate Frisbee
  A game played by two teams of seven players on a field. You score goals by throwing the Frisbee
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