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身为广告业生态关系链的成员,谁先和广告主接上轨,谁就先赢一步。 这些年总说接轨,很滥熟的一个词了。在关系社会,接轨的含义值得琢磨。各行各业都有接轨,广告行里也说接轨。宣告实施代理制就是一种努力和国际接轨的行动,已经努力了快10年了,但是国情很实在,所以结果大家都知道了。就微观层面来说,接轨成了广告公司和广告主见面之初就要时刻面对的一种生存状态,身为支持机构,要提供核心服务,这个对话的过程,包括提供服务的过程,就是接轨。 目前国内大约至少有250多家跨国广告公司,本土广告公司3.6万户,各种规模及类型的广告主数不胜数。这两年、一个重要趋势就是,国内的跨国广告公司纷纷强调自己的本土化特质,日益赢得国内广告主的青睐。除了渴望专业服务,企业选择跨国公司还有一个重要原因,就是在进入WTO的大背景下,渴望了解国际规则、早日走出国界。更不用说,跨国广告公司, As a member of the ecological chain of advertising industry, whoever gets on track with advertisers first will win the first step. In all these years, it is a familiar word. In a relationship society, the meaning of convergence is worth pondering. All walks of life have convergence, advertising lines also said convergence. Declaring the implementation of the agency system is an effort to work with the international community. It has been working for almost 10 years now, but the actual conditions are very real. So we all know the result. At the micro level, the convergence has become a survival state faced by advertising agencies and advertisers. As a support organization, core services must be provided. The process of this dialogue, including the process of providing services, is Connect. At present, there are at least about 250 multinational advertising agencies in China and 36,000 local advertising agencies. There are countless advertisers of all sizes and types. These two years, an important trend is that domestic multinational advertising companies have emphasized their own localization of the characteristics of domestic advertisers have increasingly won the favor. In addition to longing for professional services, there is another important reason why enterprises choose multinational corporations. They are anxious to understand international rules and go abroad as soon as they enter the WTO. Not to mention, multinational advertising companies,
作者用 SCL—90,MMPl 以及 CES—D对207名一年级医学生进行测试,评价医学生的心理健康状况及人格因素的影响。结果表明,医学生 SCL—90躯体化、敌对、偏执、精神病性四项因子
Due to the South-to-North Water Diversion Project,the salvage archaeological excavations were conducted in Xuecun,Xingyang city,Henan Province,China,by the Inst