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新型禽流感到底有多糟?对一名流感研究员来说,水禽不只是高贵的天鹅和迷人的绿头鸭。它们更是悄悄传播新流感病毒的媒介,是大自然的某些生物恐怖中介,它们带着危险的细菌到处跑,自己却不会表现出感染症状。野生水禽是你能想到的各种流感病毒组合的储存宿主,然而这些混在一起的病毒绝大部分似乎不会感染人。不过,鸟类病毒蔓延至人群中是个 How bad is the new bird flu? To a flu researcher, waterfowl is more than just a noble swan or a charming mallard duck. They are the intermediaries that quietly spread the new influenza virus. They are some biological horror agents of nature. They run around dangerous bacteria and they themselves do not show symptoms of infection. Wild waterfowl is the storage host for all kinds of flu viruses you can think of, yet the vast majority of these mixed viruses do not seem to infect people. However, the spread of bird viruses to the population is one
  The human genome project has allowed for rapid expansion in the search for and characterisation of new genetic markers important in the susceptibility to ca
  New, powerful techniques are required to observe individual protein molecules and their interactions in situ, in order to analyze, with high precision, in w
【摘要】上好一堂优秀的音乐课,不仅需要扎实的专业基本功,需要丰富的教学智慧,还需要不怕吃苦的坚韧精神。课堂给了教师展示才华的机会,也给了享受成功的体验,更给了我们深刻的启示。  【关键词】音乐课;教学智慧;展示才华;享受成功  【中图分类号】 G4 【文献标识码】 C【文章编号】1671-1270(2010)06-0127-01    从公开课《买菜》到赛课《忆江南》,可以说是一路辛苦,一路欢笑。
  The production of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies is at the forefront of the bio-pharmaceutical industry.The protein therapeutic market was valued in exce
  A decade long search for antigenic proteins in cancer have uncovered a number of proteins that are common targets of the cancer patients immune system and t