Structural and Organizational Environment Analysis Based on English Writing Course

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  Organizations can be thought of as environments with a purpose.All environments have purposes,some expressed and some implied.(Strange & Banning,2001).As an English writing class,it is also an organization with a clear purpose of solving English writing problems and improving academic writing skills of students who use English as second language.While this organization works well overall,it still has some problems.From Strange and Banning’s words,seven structural components are posted: complexity,centralization,formalization,stratification,production,efficiency,and morale.All of these components can impact the characteristics of an organization.
  Some English writing class is characterized by low degrees of complexity.For example,there could be two roles or units in the class which are students and professor.The number of students should be less than twenty.The professor’s basic responsibility is helping students learn,including teaching,leading students to find their problems and answering their questions.Students should finish their assignments,engage in discussions and find their problems in academic writing.When students need to discuss some questions or do some group work,the professor divides students into groups randomly.Thus,students can learn in community and communicate with different people who have diverse cultural background,and study in a multicultural way.
  Organizational centralization refers to the way in which power is distributed in a setting.This kind of class is highly centralized by the professor.The professor makes all of the decisions about the syllabus.However,the problem is that the whole course syllabus usually is given to students in the first class,and the professor just reads it to students without any discussion.Although there may be some presentations and groupwork in the whole semester,the teaching form still relies mainly on lecturing.The forms and topics of presentations are still controlled by the professor.
  Courses have high degrees of formalization because of organizational rigidity and inflexibility.In recent English writing courses,there are many rules to keep student’s attention.For attendance,arriving more than ten minutes late to class equals to one absence.More than three unexcused absences will result in a lowered grade,and students cannot pass this class with more than six absences.For Assignments,all assignments should be handed in on the day it is due.Late work will receive a grade penalty.Strange and Banning also mentioned that stratification is the differential distribution of rewards.In this kind of class,the best reward would be a high grade for every assignment and the final exam.The other reward can be the knowledge which students have learned.Students will get different grades by varying degrees of their efforts.Student who make efforts to finish every assignment and get involved to the discussion in every class can get a higher grade and learn more than others.   The level of production of this kind of class may not be very high,and the efficiency may not be satisfying by students.Due to the size of the course,the professor gives students abundant time to answer everyone’s question and get feedback on assignments.The professor always answers questions one by one.It is more like a tutor not a professor in a class.When the professor talks to a student,the others can only wait.Some students have more questions,and the professor spends a long time on solving these problems person-to-person.It is a slow-moving process.The time could be managed better to improve efficiency.
  The last component is morale,which is a summary measure of many aspects associated with participating in any particular organized system,and it is usually reflected in the rate of turnover in the system.Students still have a high level of morale,because students and the professor have the same purpose.In this purposeful classroom,to improve the morale of students,the professor needs to give students more opportunities to engage in discussion.Through all these structural components of campus environment,I believe that this class is much closer to the static organizational pattern,because it is rigid in design and in resistant to change.It is characterized by lower degrees of complexity,higher centralization,formalization,and stratification,though the level of efficiency and production are not very high.
摘 要: 中小学班主任作为一个班级的“大家长”,承担着维持班级秩序、组织管理班级教学、对学生进行思想政治教育等重任,全面负责一个班学生的思想、学习、健康和生活等工作。一个班的组织者、领导者和教育者,也是一个班中全体任课教师教学、教育工作的协调者。  关键词: 班主任工作 实效性 寓教于乐  學生伴随着成长,当他离开家门来到学校的时候,一切都是新鲜的,都需要自己适应。没有了家长的悉心周全,什么都需要
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◆摘 要:阅读作为语言输入的一种基本方式,是学习者掌握知识、获取信息以及提高语言运用能力的重要途径。在初中英语教学中,阅读教学是其中非常重要的环节,学生阅读能力的水平直接影响到其对语言的运用,对于学生综合素质的养成也是非常重要的。当前阶段,在英语阅读的教学中,仍然存在诸多的问题,对学生英语水平的提高以及综合素质的养成产生了极大的不良影响,本文就英语阅读教学中存在的问题进行分析,并提出相应的改进策略
◆摘 要:政治教学注重马克思主义原理的解读,但这并不意味着政治教学是单纯携带政治色彩的学科,对于初中生来说,除进行政治常识讲授外,还会在人格塑造、社会认知、情感认知等方面,对学生进行教育,因而,在引入时政教学时,应当综合考量教学需要,或是学生需要,以尽可能的凸显教学价值。  ◆关键词:政治教学;时政教学;教学价值  一、引言  无论是政治教学,亦或者是时政教学,其教学的主要目标都应当是服务于学生的
目的:  利用间充质干细胞多向分化的潜能,通过动物实验分析大鼠骨性关节炎用人脐带血间充质干细胞移植治疗的可行性及安全性,并探讨其关节腔注射治疗的价值,为临床上此类疾病的
◆摘 要:自古以来就有因材施教的说法,在教学中教师根据学生间的个体差异,实施不同的教学方案,能够有效帮助学生达到更好的学习效果。在初中英语教学中教师采用的分层教学法,就符合因材施教的教学理念。这篇文章就将对初中英语教师如何在教学中采用分层教学法帮助学生提升英语成绩进行讲解。  ◆关键词:分层教学;初中英语;应用探究  一、引言  英语是令许多初中生十分头疼的一门科目,单词难记,句式易混淆,听力听不
摘 要: 幼儿从一出生开始就在不断探索周围世界,建构自己的知识,他们是天生的探究者。在儿童来到学校之前,探究活动一直是自发地开展着。儿童进入学习以后,探究的实践不应该被禁止或者割断,而应在教师的支持、鼓励、帮助和指导下继续开展。  关键词: 幼儿科学探究 教师 指导策略  科学探究能力的形成依赖于幼儿的学习和探究活动,必须紧密结合科学知识的学习,通过动手动脑、亲自实践,在感知和体验的基础上内化而成