中央领导同志的批示,精辟分析了在新的历史条件下弘扬延安精神的意义,充分肯定了中国延安精神研究会这些年来的工作。消息传来,令人鼓舞,催人奋进。为什么说延安精神是我们党的宝贵的精神财富,在新的历史时期要大力弘扬呢?我学习的体会是: 延安精神意味着吸引力。陈毅同志曾经有这样
The instructions of the central leading comrades have splendidly analyzed the significance of promoting the spirit of Yan’an under the new historical conditions and fully affirmed the work of the Yan’an Spiritual Research Society of China over these years. The news came as encouraging and inspiring. Why Yan’an is a precious spiritual asset of our party and should be vigorously promoted in the new historical period? My experience in learning is that Yan’an’s spirit means attraction. Comrade Chen Yi once did